One for the road

by Pathofthorns 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    So i've been trying to slowly fade away, just going to meetings on Sundays, and even then its been hit and miss. I figure the Daniel book is a write off with 607 figuring prominently along with all the "fulfillments" based on it, and since I'm not going out in service, the TMS/SM is a waste of time.

    Even Sundays play out like a broken record, the WT study articles show no sign of real change, but a clinging to power and a re-defining of WT history. The Public Talks are sheer fantasy.

    The sad thing is, I like the people, and perhaps even the concept is attractive. I've been in bad halls and its a shame to make my exit in one that I like. While I keep a low profile, people have always treated me well, and when some say they've missed me, I do believe they have.

    I know they feel bad, because I felt bad when people "disappeared". Even though I've told some elders my concerns and issues in full detail, its as if many refuse to want to accept it. I had to resign formally from the TMS because they kept giving me talks to do.

    Funny thing is that a week after the COs visit when I was expecting more heat, because I cut out on the visit and I obviously would have come up at their meetings, a brother asks me to do one of the mics last Sunday.

    Not that I considered that some big privelege or anything, but I thought it was strange considering I'm hardly at my meetings and all. I guess he was just ill-informed. I accepted, didn't know what to say otherwise. I figure that would be the last time anyway.

    As I made my way toward the exit, as usual an elder seems to be waiting for me. "How's everything Path? We've missed you. It was so nice to see you here today. You know, if there anything I can do..."

    "Everything is just fine. Couldn't be much better, really. But thanks for the offer. How are you doing?"

    "I'm fine. Its just that people have been asking about you and all."

    "That's so nice of them"

    "Will we see you again Path?"

    "I'll be around"

    I realized that one must do what they have to do. Its very difficult when you really can't explain things in full detail to them, and if you could you know they wouldn't believe it or understand what it all means.

    In time they too will ask the questions and the time will be right for the answers. Until then I hope they are happy and wish them the best.


    Edited by - Pathofthorns on 7 August 2000 21:34:39

  • Roamingfeline

    ((((((((((((Path))))))))))))) I well remember that feeling. There were those you just KNEW you were going to miss, but the journey had to be taken anyway, for your sanity's sake. We can't keep living in a dream world, even if we liked the dream....


  • Kismet


    I remember the feelings well.

    Drop me a line

    We'll go grab a pint or two and share stories.


    Edited by - Kismet on 8 August 2000 23:25:35

  • Seven

    Path,When visiting Kismetin Oman why
    don't the two of you make a side trip to Nepal. I live here in Kathmandu City. We could go to the Yak and Yeti for an attitude adjustment before getting lost in the mountains. 7

  • Roamingfeline

    And while you're at it.. just skip on over here to Perth, Australia and we'll do the town, lol.

  • Kismet

    I thought it appropriate to be from there. After most of my puns all I hear is "ohhhhh man!!"

    I like the Yak part but have had abominable problems with the Yeti. Ya just never know we may take you up on that offer!

    And yah I'll just hop on my private Lear and skip on over to Perth for the day. woohoo!! sigh - I wish.

    Edited by - Kismet on 8 August 2000 12:7:14

  • RedhorseWoman

    REMEMBER THE QUAHOGS!!! And you all know EXACTLY where to get them!!!

  • Seven

    Rhw, You'll be my first stop.Until then I get mine from[url][/url]

  • Kismet


    Thanks for the link. Labour Day is coming up and it just isn't the same without fresh seafood!

    I am going to be a very happy lil camper!

    Kismet - already salivating over the thought of stuffed quahogs and lobster!! YUMMMMM

  • Roamingfeline

    Ahhhh Sweet Seven.. trust you to answer the question I had in my mind! Thanks for the link.

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