by new light 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    My uncle was a PO who had a reputation for being VERY strict and not kind when it came to "discipline". Many people complained about him, but he had a longstanding reputation and did favors for other elders to get their family appointed to various positions. None of the rest of teh body of elders ever wanted to say anything because they were all too afriad to croos his path. The complaints went on for years.

    I had friends visiting from England one year and planned a day trip to Las Vegas. My uncle told my cousin who was 27 btw that he shouldnt go because Vegas was the "devil's playground". He called my dad and said the same thing. I ended up going anyway, with several ministerial servants and the PO of my own hall, who's daughter was my best friend. We got home very late that Saturday night/ Sunday morning. So I took my English friends to a later meeting at my Uncle's hall. My Uncle ran the Watchtower study, and from the platform publicly chastized me for taking my "christian" friends on an "unchristian" outting. Well I went home, told my dad, and also called me PO.

    My uncle was removed as an Elder shortly afterwards. I think it was just the final straw.

  • Aaron2

    As a JW, can you drink socially and still have it be acceptable?

  • garybuss

    "quarantine" LOL . . . XQ, you slay me, Hahahaha That's exactly what it is. Great job!!!

  • Gretchen956

    There was a little congregation in Cut Bank, Montana years ago, almost everyone was related to everyone else. Very difficult to get disfellowshipped in that congregation. A lot of those were relatives of mine but I lived in another area. I knew that being the outsider they would not hesitate to disfellowship me even related, so I didn't stay long, at the time I was doing the bar scene. After I left the society came in and dissolved the whole congregation and made everyone step down.


  • jwbot

    Aaron2: Yes you can drink and its OK, but you can not get drunk. But I should add that in my congregation, I hardly ever saw any social drinking, even at weddings. You were looked down on if you allowed alcohol at the wedding...seemed like a little rule for our congregation. I really felt it was lame.

  • BluesBrother

    Judicially? , No. The feeling of responsibility was such that we applied the rules. But when it came to matters of appointment and removal from office , then there was certainly a lot of "Flexibility"

    I recall one M/s who had a skin condition that , he claimed, made it so that he wasadvised not to shave. He grew a beard and it was a real straggly untidy thing. The trouble was that he was a wiz at the accounts and no body wanted to do the job except him . I remember big arguments with the C/O because he said that we were keeping on just for that reason ... truth is he was right!

    Then there was the elder who had just moved in to a congo that I was leaving. His daughter had just been involved in a judicial matter and the family upped and moved in a huff, being upset at her treatment. I advised caution about appointing him straightaway but, hey he was clever and willing to take my job as secretary - appointed!

    Isn't the Holy Spirit supposed to come into it somewhere??? Things like that made me realise that it really is only an organisation of men.

  • new light
    new light

    I recall one M/s who had a skin condition that , he claimed, made it so that he wasadvised not to shave. He grew a beard and it was a real straggly untidy thing. The trouble was that he was a wiz at the accounts and no body wanted to do the job except him . I remember big arguments with the C/O because he said that we were keeping on just for that reason ... truth is he was right!

    Then there was the elder who had just moved in to a congo that I was leaving. His daughter had just been involved in a judicial matter and the family upped and moved in a huff, being upset at her treatment. I advised caution about appointing him straightaway but, hey he was clever and willing to take my job as secretary - appointed!

    This is the kind of reply I was expecting. I'm actually very surprised that so many of you ex-elders played on the up and up, good for you! This thread was inspired by a certain MS I know quite well who has tried to step down without success. They just guilted him so much that he didn't go through with it. Then, just this week, he got drunk in front of a known snitch, ended up getting kicked in the face by the police, went to jail, confessed it all to the local body, and he's still a servant! I had to laugh, I mean he can't quit or get fired! BTW, he does the accounts, which probably has a lot to do with not being removed. God's organization, indeed.

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