Protecting your kids

by Lehaa 11 Replies latest social family

  • Lehaa

    Just saw a great news report on how to protect you kids from predators.

    It all revolves around a code word.

    You and your kids agree on one. If someone different is to pick your kids up you give then the code word. If they don't know the word then the kids know that you did not send them. Also if your kids are in trouble they just say the word to you and you know they need help.

    Thought it was such a simple but great idea I just had to share.

    Any one else out there got any other ideas as to how to keep our kids safe.


  • Englishman

    An excellent idea. It would be useful too if a child was being co-erced into making a statement that he did not want you to believe. I have in mind where children have been kidnapped and then have spoken to parents via the telephone at the kidnappers insistence.

    I shall think on this some more..


  • Lehaa

    I'm paranoid about my kids being kidnapped. I know we can microchip our animals, wish we could our kids.

    Thinking of getting their DNA taken and stored just in case they do they can be easily identified.

  • Lehaa

    Ok I'm hijacking my own thread. Can't post a new one for 9 hours.

    My sister has been having contractions on and off for the last 12 hours.

    Her due date was yesterday so here's hoping.

    She is my only sibling, I'm so excited, I'm finally going to be on aunty.


  • Fed Up
    Fed Up

    I'm paranoid about my kids being kidnapped. I know we can microchip our animals, wish we could our kids.

    Thinking of getting their DNA taken and stored just in case they do they can be easily identified.

    There are several organizations which have put together kits for taking and storing samples of your children's DNA, and registry to the national database--we are members of our local organization, received a kit for free and have our grandson registered and DNA stored...

    As far as microchipping children though, aren't you a little worried about the whole "666" and bearing the mark of the beast thing?

  • Lehaa
    we are members of our local organization, received a kit for free and have our grandson registered and DNA stored...

    Do you have the name of the organisation, maybe they can give me the name of someone in australia.

  • glitter

    Yesterday on a breakfast TV show they had an item about little plastic bracelets that you write your mobile phone number on (but not child's name etc obviously) so if your kid wanders off a passer-by can keep your child safe and call you and let you know where they're waiting for you.

    Really good idea - only thing that bugged me was on the trailers for the item it showed a *toddler* wearing one and getting "lost" - don't people put reins and wrist-straps on their toddlers anymore?! Can't wander off if they're *tied* to you!

    So I thought you might find that idea handy - I don't know where you could get them from (I think they mentioned a travel agency on the show) but any wide bracelet and a permanent marker would do.

  • Lehaa

    I've made up little laminated cards for my kids that I put in their pocket, or pin inside their clothes, if we go somewhere really busy like the big markets in the city or the zoo. It has their name, my name and my mobile phone number on it.

  • Momofmany

    Here is one tip that I got, and will pass on. People don't always look at kids yelling. Thinking they are just having a temper tantrum. I told my gang, that if a man tries to take you, Scream, he's not my dad. or if a woman, she's not my mom.

    We also do the buddy system in the bathrooms. We do a lot of road trips. The 5 boys go into the restroom together, and they come out together.(THere are many stalls in the bathrooms on 95, so there is plenty of room for all of them) If they leave anyone behind, they must come into the ladies room with me. (Never had to do that yet)

    Your local sherriffs department should have a kit to collect your own identification kit for your child. Keep them handy, and keep the pictures updated. (not like me. My son is 14, and I think his picture his was 10. Yes I am fixing this right now)

    Hope this helps a bit.

  • Lehaa

    Thanks, that tip about what to yell was great.

    My kids are not allowed to go tho the bathroom by themselves, my 6 year old boy still has to come into the ladies with me or we usually use the disabled toilets, the only place you can get a stroller in.

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