Happy Pills

by joannadandy 14 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • confusedjw
    I personally don't think I am as bad as I was when I was 16, but I have been thinking about suicide a lot lately. Like way more than is healthy for any person to think about. I am positive I won't attempt again...but it does bug me I spend so much time thinking about it.

    JD sorry no advice, just that thought.

    I think that sometimes when we feel out of control the thought of suicide helps us realize we can control one thing --- whether we are alive or not. Then we can move up from there.

    Okay one other thought, I think the world is a better place with you in it.

  • wednesday


    antidepressants are not addictive. However, if u are taking them, your body can become dependent on them so u can't just stop abruptly taking them. wellbutrin is one of the better ones, generally causes no weight gain (big problems with these meds).there are some herbal alternatives, and health food mixes. l-trysone is probably what your mom took and yes it can be very helpful. I am on a mailing list for alterantive treatment on yahoo, and many are using the omega 3 fish oils in 3-5 grams as an antidepressnt. many say it works for them.

    My advice, if u are really thinking about suicide, get yourself to a doc. Welbutrin is an energizing med, so if u are sleeping a lot, it will help that. if u are in an agitated depression, it may not be for u. A doc would know. Once u are not suicidal, perhaps add some of the other remidies i mentioned (esp the omega 3 oils) and see how u feel. U may be able to get by with them only. In any case, don't fool around with depression, it is serious and i have battled it for years. I have received help from meds, but my talk therapy has been more help than the meds. I actually feel sort of happy for the first time in years. I'm trying the omega 3 oils myself.

    best wishes to u, and i know what a battle this is. ther are many online support groups and mailing lists, esp yahoo. avail yourself of them.

  • bavman


    yeh, my family has something like 60 percent w/ some depression issue. some worse than others. i've been on paxil, but i like zoloft best. i'm going in this month for a more specific chemical workup. of course, being in the troof doesn't help. personally, i would go the natural route if u can afford it. no matter what though be careful, do the research. any of it can have side effects. exercise & baths r good too.


  • Evesapple


    There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking medication...it actually just makes you feel pretty even. I wouldn't recommend taking your mother's left over Welbutrin though. Most doctors want to start you out with the lowest dose and work your way up to increase your tolerance. I would talk to your doctor before starting medication, and get a good recommendation for a therapist as well. There are a lot of good natural altneratives but it takes much longer to get into your system. I have been on Effexor since February, I have not raised my dose, mainly because I try and stay physically active ...so I try to combine medicine with natural medicine.....you can also go that route as well.

    Good luck to you....I hope you feel better soon.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Depression can be caused by a number of things. However, long-term or chronic depression is usually caused by a short in the brain's wiring. Not gonna fix itself. That's where anti-depressants come in.

    If you had a busted leg, you'd seek medical attention, right? Well, short circuited brain wiring requires medical attention, and usually drugs to balance the problem. Think of the drugs as new spark plug wires that help the spark plugs do what they do best.

    They're not "happy" pills. A person with normal brain chemistry doesn't feel a thing when taken. Also, they usually take 3-8 weeks for the affects to stablize. Side affects can include nausea, sleeplessness, and other fun stuff, but with proper medical attention they usually can be managed, doses changed, or changes in Rx and will stablize in a while.

    You may also need therapy. The combination of drugs and therapy is powerful medicine! Since you are suicidal (constant thoughts of suicide even though you don't intend to do anything about it) you DO need to see a therapist, PhD, or MD who does the phych stuff. There are ways we can change our thinking patterns to avoid getting stuck in those loops. If you find you just can't get out of that loop and are afraid you might hurt yourself, check yourself in to a hospital!

    I've been suicidal and have made 3 attemps. I'm grateful I'm still here. I cannot go off my meds or I'll short-circuit again. So I think I'll stick with 'em. I also have professionals and friends I can talk to if I get weird.

    I hope you seek medical attention. You deserve it!



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