Episodes of Craziness

by JWD 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWD

    Early one January I was shopping at a local supermarket and when I
    went to the check-out I noticed that a sister who I know was working
    the register. When I stepped up to the register to pay for my stuff
    she looked up at me and seeing who I was got that `terrified` look in
    her face that JWs get when they see someone they aren`t supposed to
    associate with. I decided to try to be as normal as possible and since
    it was still the first part of January for the sake of making some
    small talk I asked her, `So, did you have an enjoyable New Years?`.
    Well, she was in panic mode and blurted out , `I don`t get involved
    in idolatry!!` To which I said,`Neither do I. I was just wondering
    how you spent the end of the year vacation.` Realizing what she said
    she just looked down and ignored me. More craziness....

    Japanese JWs have their own unique set of taboos. One such taboo is
    not being able to wear black at a funeral. The reasoning is that someone might get the impression that you were involved in ancestor
    worship.If you`ve ever lived in Japan you know that Japanese wear
    black clothing to many special occasions i.e.weddings,graduations,
    piano recitals as well as funerals. Naturally, the prohibition is
    only with regards to funerals.So, black is okay anywhere EXCEPT

    Another unique prohibition is the calling of church pastors `sensei`. The fact that Christian church members call their pastor
    `sensei` is viewed as a proof that Christendom is wrong since the
    Bible say ,`You shouldn`t call anyone teacher(rabbi)`.The equivalent
    of that is the word `sensei`.Here again is another major inconsistency due to the fact that the term `sensei` is used for
    school teachers and doctors as well. The JW himself(herself) is
    allowed to use the term when refering to anyone EXCEPT pastors.
    It`s just more craziness.... JWD

  • Yerusalyim

    When I first married my wife she was an INACTIVE dub. She had married me IN the Catholic Church, and had promised to attend classes not for the purpose of conversion, but to learn about the faith (ok even these classes are given in the hopes that the party will convert). At any rate, when we married I was a VERY active Catholic and she a disassociated (due to previous divorce) and inactive Dub.

    Shortly after our marriage I go away for a week on a business trip. When I come home all my crosses (ok, both of them) and my church calendar are no where to be seen, she had taken them down. Saying nothing, I find them and replace them. She says nothing. Several weeks later, after another trip, the items are again missing. This time I ask about it. She says she finds them offensive and doesn't want to expose her JW kids who spend about half their time with us to such idolatry. I remind her that MY CHILDREN who are with us full time are Catholic, that she knew I was active in the church before she married me, none of the items in the house are new additions, it's family tradition (one of the crucifixes had been my fathers). I restore the items to thier proper place.

    About a month later SAME DEAL, this time I tell her "I'm the spiritual head of the Household, the items remain" She makes me promise not to buy or display any NEW items and doesn't take them down anymore, even when she recieved a shepherding call about being reinstated (she wasn't that time, but was later at another congregation).

    I now have one additional crucifix, a large one (three feet by 20 inches) and she is again inactive and considering coming into the Catholic church. Oh yeah, we also have a Mezuzah (Jewish tradition) on our front door post.

    Crazy stuff man


    God is truth, and light his shadow.


  • BoozeRunner

    JWD....great one about the supermarket, LMAO
    Reminds me of how, after I got DF'd, I was doing some freelance Promotional Advertising. I asked a friend to create some logos for me. He committed to do the job, but then was unable to complete it due to circumstances beyond his control. Time was now running out.
    Instaed of searching for a stranger, I called a brother from my former congregation who was a graphic designer, and had his own business. I called his work, NOT his home. After finding out who I was, he said, I dont think I can do it for you. There are plenty of capable people out there, I am sure you will find someone. Then he hung up.
    I am only glad he didnt own a McDonalds and I walked in hungry one day. He probably wouldnt have served me a burger.

    crazy, isnt it?

  • JAVA
    When I stepped up to the register to pay for my stuff
    she looked up at me and seeing who I was got that `terrified` look in
    her face that JWs get when they see someone they aren`t supposed to
    associate with.

    A similar thing happened to me a few months ago. A public school in our area needed serious dollars for repairs to remain open. My wife and I contacted some folks and organizations who might help, and introduced them to the school administration. While walking through the school with this group I saw a JW working as a teacher's aid in the hallway. I looked at her and said, "Good morning Mary, how are you and the family doing?"

    This poor JW turned colors, started perspiring, and stuttered. The principle, vice-principle, and guests stood there looking confused as she finally excused herself and left! I dismissed her behavior by saying, "Apparently she's still a Jehovah's Witness." Well, that only added to their bewilderment, but we continued the building tour.

    Before leaving, the principle apologized to me privately. (I'll bet she had a few things to share with the Witness after I left.)

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • JWD

    JAVA, are you a coffee lover? I am. Here in Japan they have some pretty good coffee. They go in for a lighter roast, but tend to get
    the highest quality beans from all over the world. A cup of coffee
    (no refills) at a coffee shop will generally run anywhere from $3 to
    $5 a cup. The more spendy places might go as high as $8. Starbucks
    has swept into Japan and become quite the rage. They`ve opened 200
    shops around the country and are going for 500. There is a French
    super market called Carrefure nearby with a Starbucks. Sitting there
    drinking coffee makes you wonder what country you`re in.

    Now for the more crazy ones. The sister`H` which I mentioned earlier
    who burned her husband`s `apostate` literature told her husband one
    day that she was praying asking Jehovah to destroy him. Shortly after
    that the husband was diagnosed with cancer. He died last Fall. I visited the house the day he died and was overwhelmed by the LACK of
    any emotion.No tears.No actual recognition that any thing had even
    happened. They have 5 kids and only one is out of the org. She was
    the only one there that showed any sign of `human-ness`.She cried,
    talked about her father affectionately and was polite towards me.
    The rest of the family sat around eating and making small-talk. It
    was just weird !

    Sister `D` DA`d and tried to tell her daughter what she had found
    out about the org. The daughter refused to listen, refused to eat
    anything her mother made, refused to let her mother touch her laundry,
    and finally told her mother she would `laugh when Jehovah destroys you
    at Armaggedon!`.The daughter then left home (she was still in high
    school) and has been `missing` for 4 years.The mother and daughter
    were very close before the mother left the org.

    The org. succeeds in destroying natural human emotions, feelings of
    affection towards those you would normally love. JWD

  • Francois

    Growing up here in the south (USA) there was an elder who had two sons. Of course, they didn't celebrate Christmas, but every year about midway between Thanksgiving and Christmas the elder and his wife took these two sons out shopping and they could buy anything they wanted. And not just one thing, but several.

    My mother, kneejerk JW that she is, doesn't celebrate the "evil" celebrations of the world. But every year when I would come home at Thanksgiving, she would cook a turkey as big as Rhode Island with all the other traditional fixins. When I pointed this out, she said that just because she was cooking a turkey it didn't mean that she was celebrating Thanksgiving. Go figure. I actually don't know just how you DO celebrate Thanksgiving besides cook a turkey and consume it.

    When I pointed out that she wasn't supposed to have anything to do with me, DFed three years after I walked out, she had no answer except to ask if I'd rather she not have anything to do with me. "It's your religion, mom, and it's up to you do decide how you will observe it. The preferences of the outcast have nothing to do with it. You decide."


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Roamingfeline
    While walking through the school with this group I saw a JW working as a teacher's aid in the hallway. I looked at her and said, "Good morning Mary, how are you and the family doing?"

    This poor JW turned colors, started perspiring, and stuttered. The principle, vice-principle, and guests stood there looking confused as she finally excused herself and left!

    Good story, Java! I just love it when ex's refuse to play by the JW rules and speak to the dubs anyway. It's fun to watch their idiotic reactions!


  • JAVA


    A cup of coffee (no refills) at a coffee shop will generally run anywhere from $3 to $5 a cup.

    Yes, as many already know, I enjoy a good cup of coffee (or two). I didn't realize it was becoming so popular in Japan, and at $3 to $8 a cup, you should call it "Black Gold." I know real estate is high in your country, and it sounds like coffee prices are boiling over, too.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • JAVA

    Hello RCat,

    Something I learned a few years go is to never play by the Watchtower Rule Book! If you do, you'll get beat because that's how its designed, and you're still allowing the Tower to control you. If a JW refuses to treat you as a human by not speaking, make sure they feel the pain of that action. When that's done they don't know how to react because their dysfunction doesn't work in normal settings.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • JWD

    The name of the game in the Watchtower maze is definitely CONTROL.
    And they are loathe to give up control even when someone opts out of
    their little kingdom.

    A friend of ours,sister`Y`,sent in her letter of disassociation.
    Shortly thereafter she approached a `study` and tried to explain what
    she found out about the WT and why she left.She then received a visit
    from her former elder telling her that `You know that apostates aren`t
    allowed to speak to those in the truth, so abide by the rules!` What
    the nerve!! She`s out, but he`s talking to her like she still has to
    play by their rules!! When I heard about it, it was beyond belief that
    the elder thought his game of control continued EVEN AFTER PEOPLE
    LEAVE... More craziness...

    On other occasions I`ve known elders to go to someone who has left
    and demand that they return some item. For example the NO BLOOD card,
    the pioneer ID card and even on one occasion the book Reasoning from
    the Scriptures. Several ex-JWs say they felt intimidated by the elders
    demands despite the fact that they were already out of the dark
    castle called the Watchtower. Just lots of Craziness if you ask me...

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