Are We Still Judgemental?

by Paradise Found 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paradise Found
    Paradise Found

    Has being or associating with Jehovahs Witnesses made you more or less Judgemental of people?

    Has It been wiser to be Judgemental or less Judgemental?

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    When I was a more active JW everybody and they mamma (litterally) judged the next person or the whole world every second. Especially the whole world, saying how bad everyone is and how good we are and how stupid one person is for smoking but then eating stakes everyday on the other side. Always seen it, but I was never really all too judgemental. Seriously if we were joking around I might poke fun at a person but when I see like an army man I dont automactically say, "Oh he's a terrible guy for fighting in this hopeless war." Nah I don't agree with the war mind you but he's killing himself for what he think is right and I respect that courage. Its maybe not my type of thing to be proud of but I don't go around saying how terrible he is and stuff which most witnesses do ALOT!!!.

    I think I use to judge people more but that's just my anti-watchtower membrane kicking in telling me to think the worse possible things about it lol.

    I only live by a few scriptures. I only live to love EVERY human being with common curteousy and human respect. I try not to judge because that's taking away from the loving everybody thing. well.. pretty much I just love that's all it seems like you gotta do.

  • bull01lay

    I still find it difficult sometimes not to judge people. It's all too easy to look at others and think that you're better than them because they do something you regard as dirty, or 'beneath you'. They say knowing you have a problem is winning half the battle, so I really do try to keep myself in check....


  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    I think I'm actually non-judgemental to the extreme sometimes. Like when I hear of a murder over there in Iraq sure I feel sorry for them, most of the time I cry days if something like that happens. But, I don't really I dunno. I hate them for doing that but learning about their culture and their way of life it's hard NOT to be like that. Still hate them for what they did but dunno. It's immpossible to totally non-judgemental. Think most JW's came to that conclusion a while ago.

  • Ciara

    I was very judgemental when I first came out of the JW's. I'm starting to get more tolerant, though. I'm glad too, cause my bad attitude got me in a lot of fights right after I left. I had such a awful temper and no reason to hide it anymore, so lots of things just sort of spilled out right at first. I'd be in a bar drinking and some idiot would start bragging about how much he was runnin' around on his wife (which I completely despise) and I'd just clobber him one. I learned to be tolerant the hard way.


  • Balsam

    As a JW I was surprisingly tolerant and broad minded witnesses would tell me. I think I am the same now, only better. My perspective is more open minded, but I do not take on everyones problems on myself, which I did as a JW. I don't feel the obligation to constantly be trying to fix other peoples problems. I let them work out their own problems now instead of my suggesting this or that as I used too. I don't listen as sympathetically perhaps as I once did either. I grew tired of the stress I let the JW life style put on me when it come to the so called friends. They were users, and the gave little back if anything.

    I figure everyone is a product of his own choices, behaviors, and how they interact with others. It's their problem. I don't care, or perhaps it is that I have a barrier now I didn't have before. I don't place judgements too much on religions. I find though I don't like religion and their representation of what the think the divine is all about. I feel free to be myself. It's nice.

  • drwtsn32

    Since leaving the JWs, I first thought, "This is great! I can be accepting of all different viewpoints and don't have to be a judgmental ass!" But I found that I was still not very open-minded when it came to religious/supernatural beliefs. I am better today but continue to work on it.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    What a great thought provoking thread. In my view, being judgemental is an integral part of the whole JW experience. We were constantly told that we were right and the millions if unbelievers in the world were wrong. We had the blue print for perfect behaviour and moral standards, and non - conformists were regarded as unsaveable lost causes.

    It can be difficult to lose this type of mind set if you have been force fed this line of moral superiority for a long time. It is something I work on also, and I try to be tolerant and see other sides to the argument. This will be a long process, I don't doubt that for a second but recognising its cause goes a long way.


  • kls

    I am judgemental, leary and always questioning. I have a hard time wondering about peoples motives ,i am always fearful of someone trying to con me into their beliefs or practices. So i am on guard always as not to get sucked into anything everagain.

  • Mulan

    This is something I constantly fight. I am so much better than I was before though. Now, I don't measure people by how many meetings they attend or how many times I"ve seen them at the meeting for service.

    I have seldome made the right judgment (maybe impression is a better word) of people I've just met, so tend to be wayyyyy too trusting, and have been bitten bad because of that little flaw. I think that is from being a JW and trusting all of "the friends" because they are "the friends". Now I fight the tendency to believe what people tell me, as if they would always tell the truth??? Always something to work on. Dave still has to ground me from time to time.

    Trying to be a more critical reader and listener, and meeter of people.

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