Men With Older, Uglier Women.....

by Country Girl 45 Replies latest social entertainment

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Do you all think I'm fat and ugly and old, here's a artist rendition of me recently and a real picture of me recently?

  • BeautifulGarbage

    "Youth is wasted on the young" -George Bernard Shaw

    Just about anyone over the age of 40 knows exactly what George is talking about. Still cemented in my mind is the day I looked in the mirror and saw my mother staring back at me.

    So, the days I feel like crap, I try to count my blessings.

    I figure getting older is better than the alternative

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Homey: you look pretty good, at least you're festive and extrovert.

    i just feel like runnin away and inventin a whole new life for myself. My son is facing 3 felony convictions. He told me yesterday that he is just going to try to make a plea.. and he'll be guilty. And his life is ruined. He said "Mom, quit being so upset. Stop crying. I'm going to jail cuz I deserve it. I made those choices, and I have to pay for it. Mom, quit it." I can't forget it. My son is an adult and I can't quite face that....

    I cannot stop crying. I dont want my son to go to prison. I don't want him to be raped by the people. He is a very handsome boy.. and he definiely will be approached. He said that he will fight that, and he never will be molested cuz he won't let it happen. I scream. I know they will approach him.. He says for me not to worry. How can I NOT worry? He's my baby. He tells me that he does NOT want to talk about this... and whatever happens, happens. I'm sick... with worry.


  • ohiocowboy

    I have found that people that appear to be outwardly beautiful, according to Magazine and TV standards, oftentimes become very ugly very quickly due to their personalities, and the way they treat others. And also it works in reverse, as us Plain, ordinary people oftentimes are recognized as being very beautiful, as our warmth and caring shine through.....I know it sounds corny from having heard it so much, but it really is true that beauty comes from inside.

    Sorry to hear about your son, I hope things somehow work out. I find it very mature that he fessed up to what he did, and also that he is trying to calm you. That is respectable.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Actually, Ohio, he fessed up. They had 7 original indictments on him.. and now there is three. It makes me sick enough to throw up.


  • Rabbit

    Country Girl,

    Now I understand your other post about "If something happened to you" you wanted someone to help you. I can see easily that you are depressed and scared. Our heart goes out to you and yours...

    We are going thru something similar, last year...her only son from a previous marriage was arrested for drug possession and found guilty of a felony. This is his second time in prison, he's only 25. It is very heart-breaking for her, to know the dangers of prison. I hope he learns his lesson this time, if he had kept going the way he was on the outside, he would have ended up dead, because of the people he was hanging around with.

    His total time now, in Jail and Prison, here in Texas is 3.5 yrs. he too, is a very handsome kid, but nothing like what you fear ever happened to him. You are being his Mom in your fears, things like that do happen, but not as common as you fear. The most important thing, from what I can who he hangs with, watching his attitude, becoming a Trustee asap, this will help get him out quicker. I truly wish the best for him and you.

    Sometimes people go in with an bad attitude, where they reject the total authority there, those people end up serving there whole sentences or more.

    When is all this supposed to happen? Please keep in touch with everyone here, of course you'll be worried like any loving Mom would, but try to deal with it, one day at a time. If you need to talk please write or call.

    Keep your head up...Never Surrender...!

    Love, the Rabbits

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