Just As A Matter Of Curiosity..........

by hillary_step 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    Just as a matter of curiosity I was wondering if any of you know of anybody who has read Raymond Franz' 'Crisis Of Conscience' and who actually remained a JW?

    I have sent and lent this book to a number of people within the WTS, even a CO, all of whom left eventually. One person remained due to domestic issues, but resigned from all his duties and remains as such. I do know at least one member of the GB who has read it and who remains as such, but this is an exception.

    It strikes me as astonishing that an Organization whose structure so deftly defies frontal attacks, can actually be overturned with such ease by one book. I have for example, a complete bibliographical list of all the WTS publications to date. It fills thirty-five pages in tight list form, and yet the collective minds of the hundreds of people who collated and researched these publications over the past hundred years or so is stopped in its tracks by one small book.

    A challenge for lurking JW's would be to read this book and then try to look at the WTS through the same eyes that they once did, I would submit that it is impossible.

    So back to my question: Do you know anybody who has read "Crisis Of Conscience" and remained a JW"?

    Best regards - HS

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    One cannot read this book and remain with the same faith and loyalty towards the WTBTS. However, I do know of some that have stayed because they don't want family disruption. I'm one of them, sorry to admit.


  • unbeliever

    I don't know any heavy hitters like you but I know a woman that not only read it but DA'd herself after reading COC. Now some 15 years later she is trying to get reinstated as I type this. She could be already. I would have to ask my mom. I don't know her reasons for going back. I was really shocked when mom told me about it.

  • truthseeker1

    Its a book written from the inside to let people on the outside know what goes on behind the closed doors. How can someone remain faithful to an org that is shown to be fraudulent? They could stay for other reasons (like family), but if they actually read the book, then I doubt they could stay 'in' the troof.

  • MegaDude


    Sure. Colin Quackenbush in the Writing Dpt., Awake, said the higher-ups at Bethel read it.

    My ex-wife read it and it made no impression on her. She said there was no better place to go and that everybody makes mistakes. We had discussions ad nauseum on all the major topics covered in the book and it made no difference. She was extremely bright, a college grad/4.0 average.

  • HoChiMin

    Yes I do. A person I studied with mind you! He checked it out from a local library and claims he read it. I think he just might have skimmed it, my teaching him surely has nothing to do with him staying a witness.

  • scotsman

    Yes, I know of an elder who read it over ten years ago and he's now the P.O.

  • Bubbamar

    That's such a good question!! I have often wondered about sending a copy to my mom. I haven't though because I believe it wouldn't make any difference to her. I think she could read it and stay in. Either that or she would lose her mind as reality came crumbling in on her.

    The nature of a delusion is that it is a firmly held belief despite evidence to the contrary. Therefore, JW's, IMO could read it and stay.....because they are delusional.

  • Elsewhere

    Some people just feel the need to be a part of a height-control organization... especially one that offers "truth". They will stick with this no matter what you show them.

    There are also others who have a persecution complex. The have the need to feel persecuted... it makes them feel like they are right... in their mind only the "few people with truth" would be persecuted... therefore they seek out groups that are persecuted. They also engage in antisocial behavior in an attempt to draw ridicule, which allows them to claim persecution.

  • wannaexit

    I know of 3 individuals that have read Crisis of Conscience and have stopped cold turkey.


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