by sandy 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sandy

    According to a JW witness friend of mine it is not always necessary to go to the elders to confess, not even the more serious sins such as immorality.

    She said the only reason one would go to the elders is if they feel they no longer have Jehovah's favor. The elders are there to help them see they can still be loved by Jehovah.

    Is she on crack!

    I had a long discussion with her yesterday about religion and JWs. It was pretty interesting.

  • ball.

    No that is not new light? Is she on crack!

  • sandy

    LOL, I told her that I will never go back to the org. She was giving me all this BS about how we have to leave rthings in God's hands. She said who knows maybe most of jws will not even make it through armegeddon. Alot who are not witnesses will probably make it.

    So I asked her then what is the point of being a jw?

    She said b/c we know the truth we have a resposibility to tell others.

    I said I do not believe it is the absolute truth. I think if the bible proves to be true God will read my heart and spare me.

    She said that is probably true but I should do more research before I choose not to be a witness. I agreed with her.

    The conversations was pleasant and I love my friend dearly. She made it known that she would never shun me no matter what I decide.

    She seemed to be a very Liberal JW.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I dont have an answer.... just wanted to post to say SANDY ROCKS!!!!

  • RunningMan

    The story that she gave you about confession sounds like something that they would tell outsiders. It certainly is not the real policy.

  • SixofNine

    Yes, Sandy rocks, but she must quit giving her rocks of crack cocaine to the sisters!

  • sandy

    thanks Chevy. Hey the friend I am talking about is the one we have in common.

    She called me but I didn't mention that I know you.

  • sandy

    lol sixofnine.

    The story that she gave you about confession sounds like something that they would tell outsiders. It certainly is not the real policy.
    I was thinking this very same thing throughout the conversation. She mentioned to me that she was having doubts and wanted to leave a few years back as well. I just couldn't believe the way she was talking to me. As if I didn't know what the WT teaches. She knows I was raised in the org. Nevertheless the real test of our friendship will come if I ever DA myself or get DFed.
  • sandy


  • XQsThaiPoes

    in light of the awake july 8th try inviting her to your birthday...

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