The Resurrection Hope - what a crock!

by PopeOfEruke 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Okay i knew you where one of those seth liners.

    Speculation that what is being spoken of in Genesis 6:2 is fallen angels ("supernatural beings," i.e. "gods") fathering children with women amounts to nothing less than a blatant intrusion of pagan superstition into the Bible, a superstition that finds absolutely no support, real or imagined, in the rest of Scripture.

    Most of genesis is "pagan". Noah is pagan, creation from the watery deep, is pagan. Why stop with incubi. Also christians believed that spirits could have sex with women for the longest time if a woman said a demon impranated her she was not guilty of fornication, this worked well until the witch hysteria started. Also How did God with holy spirit impregnate Mary?

    More likely it was like the angels that came to sodom. They came in human form. Thus able to have sex.

    As far as drowning spirited the flood was never said to occer to kill this angels. Infact their is no cause direct and effect action.

    Jesus told us that angels do not marry. (Mark 12:25) Yet that is just what the "sons of God" in Gen. 6:2 are said to have done. So, unless Jesus had never read Genesis, it seems unlikely the "sons of God" there referred to were angels. If they were, how would the writer of Genesis conclude that Noah's flood would have stopped them from continuing their "skirt chasing" after the flood? Maybe he thought that spirits/angels/demons can be drowned. Besides, why would fallen angels have been interested in a monogamous "marriage" relationship? If these are fallen angels being spoken of in Gen. 6, wouldn't we expect the writer to tell us of their seducing or raping women rather than "marrying" women?

    The "skirt chasing" did not directly cause the flood. People back then believed demons could be traped in trails of honey so yeah the writer could assume they would drown. Most likely since the story was not about demons and god never said he wanted to kill spirits then it is possible that they thought the spirits would just go back to heaven. Marriages in the acient world were not monogamous Lamech Noah's father had two wives. Considering seduction or rape was all in proximity of marriage back then "taking" a wife (as oppose to being given a wife by her father) could be the evalent of stealing the daughters of men.

    The rest is nice but there was no godly line of anything yet. Also considering there was no hebrew religion to be had to mix with this makes no sense. Face it God hated mankind all of them except Noah and he tolerated Noah's family. He did not even give the rest of mankind a warning to build their own boats.

    Thank you for bringing out the Jesus thing I'll add it to my proof that the flood of noah conflicts with the rest of the bible. Considering Jesus is said to have believed in the flood then this means his "eye witness account" was different than recorded in the bible. Or Jesus thought the flood was a parable or myth.

  • a Christian
    a Christian

    A few comments.

    How did God with holy spirit impregnate Mary?

    Obviously we do not know the specifics. This much we do know. The Holy Spirit is God. God is our Creator. God has the power to create life. So, apparently, either God created and placed in Mary's womb a human sperm cell which united with her own egg cell to produce the baby Jesus, or God created and placed in Mary's womb a fully fertilized human egg cell which grew to become the baby Jesus. This was able to take place because God, a.k.a. the Holy Spirit, is able to create life. There is nothing in Scripture which indicates that angels have that power.

    The rest is nice but there was no godly line of [Seth or] anything yet. Also considering there was no hebrew religion to be had to mix with this makes no sense.

    Gen. 4:26 - "Seth had a son, and he named him Enosh. At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord."

    Face it God hated mankind all of them except Noah and he tolerated Noah's family. He did not even give the rest of mankind a warning to build their own boats.

    The Flood of Noah's day was a local flood. God brought judgment only upon a land of people who were all descended from worshippers of the true God and who had all been given a strong warning to return to the worship of that God. That warning was given to them by "Noah, a preacher of righteousness." (2 Pet. 2:5) The judgment God brought upon the land of Noah did not affect "the rest of mankind" who lived outside of Noah's land. Thus "the rest of mankind" needed and received no "warning to build their own boats."

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