by Mary 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Well me and a couple of co-workers took the afternoon off and we went and saw The Day After Tomorrow. I was greatly disappointed I must say. If you don't want to know too much about the story, don't read any further.

    The special effects were really good but the story line was pretty stupid and the acting was terrible. Dennis Quaid plays a professor who discovers that the "greenhouse effect" is going to bring about another ice age. When his son gets trapped in New York City, he heroically decides he MUST go to New York to try and save him. He somehow manages to walk from Pittsburg to New York City in a remarkably short amount of time. Guess he must really be from the planet Krypton and he's disguised as a mild-mannered professor.

    What was REALLY stupid is when everything in the city starts to flash-freeze and the temperature dips something like 150 degrees in a couple of seconds.........everything except (of course) the people in one room all huddled around a single fire place. Not only do they not freeze, but they're not even wearing gloves. It's a Miracle!!

    Does Hollywood not review these movies before they're released?? Do they not see how utterly STUPID some.....okay, MOST of them are?? Special Effects don't do squat if the story line isn't believable.........oh well, I think Harry Potter comes out next week.

  • Gerard

    I'll go see it the day after tomorrow...

  • Leolaia

    The movie looks like the equivalent of "Independence Day" .... great FX but really inane story. Was it as cheezy as that movie? If I were doing a movie like this, I would have two separate stories, with the main character dying half-way through the movie (shock effect) in the cataclysm, and then fast forward 300 years and we see the predicted ice age in fact came true, and we see one of his descendants trying to learn more about his ancestor who tried to save the world....etc. I think that would've handled the climactic change more realistically (e.g. ice ages took hundreds of years to get rolling) and given more of a meaningful story.... oh well....

  • Leolaia

    But maybe it would've been too reminiscent of AI to skip ahead like that? Especially with NYC....

  • abbagail

    LOL @ Gerard!


    In the movie, did they play up and 'praise' the "Mother Earth," like they did at the tail end of the TV movie a few weeks ago, 10.5 (the earthquake movie)?

    Just wonderin' as I'd read an essay that this movie would be similar 'propaganda' for the New Age/Mother Earth movement...


  • xjw_b12

    Myself I like Fantasy / Science Fiction if the story is plausable. Roger Ebert pretty well summed it up the same way you did Mary.

    I'll watch it when it comes out the Movie Network. Not going to plop down cash for another flop from the producer of Independance Day/Godzilla. A movie has to have more than just great special effects to pique my curiosity.

  • blondie

    I heard that the storyline was not the greatest. Well, we can see another movie. At $11 for two for the early show and add on popcorn and soda, hmmmm.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The movie got terrible reviews, but I'm still checking it out.


  • Swan

    When I was young we moved down from Alaska to Oregon. I lived in a small town in a valley surrounded by high hills. My grandparents had a TV but with very bad TV reception by today's standards. My parents really couldn't afford a new TV right after moving down from Alaska. I look back now and realize how lucky we were not to have a TV.

    There was this Public Broadcasting radio program every weekday from 4:30-5:00 PM. Every day after school I would listen to these two guys read children's books. One of them was Time of the Great Freeze by Robert Silverberg, a sci-fi story about a young man during the second ice age. Perhaps you had to be there in 1967 listening to the readers voice the characters so expertly, but these books were great. They didn't seem like children's books. My Mom even listened to them. Maybe the movie makers should have read this children's book first, and then make their movie.


  • Mary
    The movie looks like the equivalent of "Independence Day" .... great FX but really inane story. Was it as cheezy as that movie?

    Funny you should ask that. This movie is written by one of the guys who did Independence Day....Rolland Emer--somehting. Actually, I enjoyed Indepdence Day........characters were good and believable. This movie just made no sense. What was REALLY stupid is that after the great big storms that cause all the problems miraculously vanish and that one of the guys looking down on earth from one of the space stations says that he's never seen the world look clean or clear or something stupid like that. I thought "uh, ya right, where the hell did all the pollution suddenly vanish to?"

    If I were doing a movie like this, I would have two separate stories, with the main character dying half-way through the movie (shock effect) in the cataclysm, and then fast forward 300 years and we see the predicted ice age in fact came true, and we see one of his descendants trying to learn more about his ancestor who tried to save the world

    Your story line sounds a hell of a lot more interesting and believable than what this story line was............don't waste your money seeing it.

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