by tazmaniac 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bull01lay


    They always seem to forget the 400 times you helped them move or how you gave them your old car so they could make it to work

    I hear ya there buddy... I spent years fixing up witnesses cars, gardening, painting, loaning money etc. Where's the thanks now ???

    I've met up with a few of them since - not one can hold my stare! Occasionally you can tell by the way a dub looks at you that there eyes are saying Hi.... others you can see the sheer contempt.

    If I'm at my Mum's house and my sister has any dub friends around, they all talk to me (which I have no problem with cos some of them are drop dead gorgeous!!!! (I'm just an old letch really )), but I can't be there if any of my mums 'friends' are around in case I contaminate them....

  • exjdub


    The rude behaviour that the dubs display is just astounding. I was in for many years, but I can't ever recall whispering about a df'd person, or anyone for that matter. It is so typical for the dubs to act like they own a place of business just because they frequent it while out in service.

    Not thinking that about 40 witnesses would be arriving.

    Quick side question: Do you think that the coffee shops ever get fed up with the dubs and all of their "holier than thou" baggage, or do you think that the wave of business is just too good to chase them out? I have seen the dubs take over a whole place of business with their usual loud "new system" banter designed to give a "witness" to all of the "thirsting" ones. God...just remembering that makes me feel like blowing chunks.


  • confusedjw

    Danny - you keep understating your position.

  • tazmaniac

    Hi ex dub, I know of a few places that asked witnesses not to come between certain hours. A few bagel shops would pray to have that many people show up on a saturday morning. Its funny when some witness sees me at Walmart or the grocery store. They get a grimaced look like I am the colony leper out on my annual bandage and cream run. Then once in a while you find out the truly inactive ones when they come over to you and talk for ten minutes all buddy buddy, then the next time you see them they run out the door. Someone must have set them straight....LOL. Wouldnt ya just once wanna sneak up behind one of them and in your best grovely gruff voice say in their right ear. Hi, I am Satan, wanna come to my lair? LOL Taz

  • exjdub
    They get a grimaced look like I am the colony leper out on my annual bandage and cream run.


    Isn't the crazy behavior a hoot? If I wasn't one of em' for so long, at one time, I would never believe it if somebody told me. They are some of the weirdest people on the planet. Especially my Dub family members, they act like a bunch of kooks. It's like living an episode of the X-Files. What exactly happens to them if they act like human beings???

  • Bubbamar

    We only ever got to go to Mcdonalds - my favorite part of FS. Jeez, I hated that crap. (McD's and FS!!) Anyway, it is amazing that they have no problem shunning us even though they don't even know the REAL reason for our being DF'ed. The just assume its for something horrible and disgusting and that we are horrible and disgusting. I was actually glad to have them off my back...although I didn't know at the time what shunning from my mother would be like!

  • TallTexan


    I'll bet you're REAL popular w/ the local hall.....

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    the same has happend to me. I live in the same small town I grew up in on Long Island. I make it a point to always go out of my way to greet them in that situation . The result is that they will literally "cross the street" to avoid me. All those JWs who knew me as a child, now see a grown man with a family living successfully and prospering in the community. It must burn them up that I did not turn to drugs shrivel up and go away ( the way they said I was supposed to upon leaving Jehovahs way of life).

    If they want to snub me that is THEIR problem. I refuse to live like a fugitive in my own community.

  • TallTexan

    The field service coffee break?? It was the only reason I even remotely went in service. That and the friendly 'rural territory', where you got to call on one house every ten minutes. It was great.

    Yeah, it's amazing how they forget everything you've done for them over the years. While my mom and dad were in their small congregation for 25 years they never turned down anyone who needed help moving, or working on their house, or whatever. But that hall sure turned on them quickly when they 'slipped' a little. It was disgusting. Those of you who have read my story know that both of them are now disfellowshipped. Last month, a very elderly sister in their hall passed away. My mom had taken her to and from the meetings for years, taken her to her dr's appts, cleaned her house, in short, was very close to this sister. She passed away rather suddenly and not one of the 'loving' elders even bothered to call so that she could at least pay her respects to the sister's non-JW family, whom she was also close to. They use you for all the 'free' stuff and help they can get, and the minute you're 'weak', they turn on you like a pack of hungry wolves. But, I guess that's the personification of love....can I barf now?

  • Emma

    Next week, go there before fs-break time and leave a few leaflets, "JW's, Who Are They?" discreetly on some of the tables. Do some anti-witnessing.

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