JWD is the top rated site

by Big Tex 61 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    "If you can't do da time don't do da crime" alt http://www.lawfulmoney.com/nlm/_discjw/00000003.htm Kingdom Hall (Jehovah's Witnesses)

  • RevMalk
    Congrats Simon

    BTW: Alexa is regarded as spyware by many spy blockers....

    That's because an alexa reference comes up with IE (when you do a new install, or an update). The fact is, this registry has nothing to do with Alexa at all. The reason why the installation of IE6 (or any upgrades to IE6) inserts this reference to Alexa is that IE6 has a Show Related Links option in the Tools menu. This option brings up the search option to allow you to search for sites related to the current page. By default the related links search function is attached to MSN search which uses Alexa to provide the search results. At any rate, Alexa is an awesome tool when doing research, IMHO. Rev

  • RevMalk

    ref: http://www.spywareguide.com/product_show.php?id=418

    Comment:Used to transmit a indentifiying ID but no longer does this.

    To make things clear people who have difficulty understanding this:

    At this time, we do NOT consider this program to be a form of "spyware".
  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thanks for pointing that out Rev.

    I've always taken Alexa rating as kind of like the Nielsen ratings for TV. It's just an survey that has a margin for error like any other. But from what I've read it is considered to be fairly accurate.

  • Englishman

    I thought that this comment was cool:

    Good Stuff , This is a smashing site that is decried only by the people it exposes. A great place to find out VERY useful things.

    Interestingly, the JWD Bitching Forum is of the opinion that I wrote it. They seem to feel it's them that are being decried, when of course, most people with half a brain, would realise that the writer was probably referring to the WTBTS.

    But I don't know. I didn't write it despite the allegations of Tummytuck and Refried Dire. I wish I had written it though, it's very succinct don'cha think?


  • Simon

    Who was it that said "there is no such thing as bad publicity ... just publicity"?

  • Englishman

    Actually Simon, it gets even better.

    One bright spark has complained to Alexa that we have banned over 75 users! (She didn't mention that at leat 3 of those deleted accounts were personally held by her). LOL.

    Interestingly, if we have deleted 75 users, that is less than 1% of the boards membership. It's widely accepted that only 2% of the population cause major problems for the other 98%, so I think that we are doing rather well in removing less than 1%.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Excellent news!!!!!!!!!!!

    Be afraid WTBTS... Be very afraid!!!!!!!!!


  • Simon
    She didn't mention that at leat 3 of those deleted accounts were personally held by her

    Actually, she had over 5 accounts. We call her "the bunny boiler" ('cause she's that freaking NUTS!)

  • Englishman
    Actually, she had over 5 accounts. We call her "the bunny boiler" ('cause she's that freaking NUTS!)

    So 5 of the deletions were just 1 poster? No wonder she's pissy! How do you get rumbled 5 times?


    Incidentally Simon, another donut who's also a passenger on Glenda's Ark, claims that we as mods are actually paying you $50 a month for the privilege of being mods.

    Does this mean that I owe you $1100?

    What a minging situation!


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