
by Agent 1 of 1 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • El blanko
    El blanko


    One of the books written by Susan Blackmoore sounds interesting (if I can find it cheap - I'll get it), yet she still "does not know" whether there is "another side to this life" after her own research. She appears to have dropped her former set of beliefs which included dabbling with Tarot and altered states of consciousness to attain enlightenment. She is also agnostic, which is fair enough for her, but then says a lot about where she is coming from as far as her studies are concerned.

    You cannot be a mystic and agnostic, the two do not sit well together and conflict arises. Both are a personal choice.

  • El blanko
    El blanko


    You raise points that always cross my mind as well.

    I would think that God is around, constantly, and is seen through all aspects of the physical creation. The good and the bad (starting to sound Gnostic there). Food simply falls from trees when the conditions are fair and the seeds bring us plants and food to eat. The water flows to quench our thirst. Any good parent provides for his children. The sun brightens to warm the skin and feed us with vitamin D to enhance our glow. The birds sing in the morning to liven our senses and bring us love within our hearts.

    It depends how you see God.

    The spider catches the fly in the web .... there lies the rub

  • LittleToe

    Nawww, Rem and I get on just fine. We are poles apart philisophically, but we enjoy some good banter.
    We're looking forward to sharing a beer, one day

    You should try to attend. It's down in Weston Supermare, last weekend in July.
    It's reat putting faces to some of the folks we discuss things with.

    Meanwhile, might I suggest that you try to spending less time getting disturbed, and just enjoy the experience of a mix of conflicting opinions
    This place can be a lot of fun!

    See ya next week, pal

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Meanwhile, might I suggest that you try to spending less time getting disturbed, and just enjoy the experience of a mix of conflicting opinions - This place can be a lot of fun!

    Hehe ... it doesn't ruin my day. I can assure you my friend. Quiet the opposite. I wonder whether you would really get on with REM face to face (drink to drink)? When two people have such a different outlook, it can break friendship in the longterm. Sadly I know this from experience. It really shouldn't get in the way, but it does time and time again. Intellectual fencing does get out of hand. I tend to walk off/leave a house when the battle gets too hot. I'd rather be seen to lose the battle than lose friends now.

    As for seeing my face - you just never know

  • LittleToe


    I'd rather be seen to lose the battle than lose friends now.

    Aye, likewise. Friends are made even more precious, after our experience, eh?
    As for long-term friendships, well he lives in California - I should be safe for awhile

    If you can't make the BBQ, PM me an idea where you live, will ya? It'd be good to meet up, and I'm often gadding around the country.

    Edited to add:
    I offer as an example my friendship with Six.

    Before I met him in Dallas, last year, we often went head to head. I was a bit anxious about meeting him, but found him to have a real twinkle in his eye.
    We disagree philosophically (and don't even get me started on politics - LOL), but I love the guy!

    Like many others, I've stopped looking for barriers to friendship and just accept people as they are - humanbeings, trying to get through life, as we all do. The differences make life interesting

    A word to the wise, though. Watch out for Gyles (Abaddon) - he's just an argumentative b*st*rd - LOL.
    Just kidding... I think...

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    If you can't make the BBQ, PM me an idea where you live, will ya? It'd be good to meet up, and I'm often gadding around the country.

    Not at the moment friend, I'll have to think about it.

    I understand what you say though about meeting with a person and am glad that you found common ground with six. This faceless form of communication can cause unnecessary grief at times for some.

  • LittleToe

    No worries.
    Take your time.
    No Pressure.

  • rem

    El Blanko,

    I think you underestimate how good you have it right now due to science (with no help from mysticism). From your profile it looks like you are 36 years old. A little over a century ago, you would probably already be dead or severely debilitated - if you even survived child birth at all. You would most likely be malnurished and smaller than your stature today, working long, hard hours. You likely would not have much time for hobbies - just work. Of course, if you were lucky enough to be born rich, then some of these things would not apply.

    You certainly wouldn't be able to share ideas with people on the other side of the planet at the speed of light like you are doing right now. That is, unless you believe ESP really works. If so, then telephones and the Internet are highly redundant wastes of time. :)

    There is a myth of the golden age. The fact is that humans have always exploited their environment. I believe Easter Island is an example of primitive societies killing themselves off by raping their environment - and they were mystics! It's not just modern, rational humans that do this. The difference is that science gives us the foresight to know that we need to change our ways. They mystics didn't have this advantage.

    And I am looking forward to sharing a pint of Guinness with you guys some day... hopefully not warm Guinness. :)


  • LittleToe


    ...hopefully not warm Guinness.



  • El blanko
    El blanko
    I think you underestimate how good you have it right now due to science

    Hehe - if you knew me and my current circumstances, whilst being better than many on the planet, they are hardly the ideal

    I do not underestimate REM, seriously. If you met me, you'd realize.

    I accept that there may have been exceptions to my previous assertion according to your understanding, but on the whole I stand by what I say. The wave of technology we now take for granted has produced a series of hideous by-products. Surely you agree with me there? I would not like to lose my internet connection or gadgets, but I would be willing to drop them tomorrow to help benefit the bigger picture if it became viable to do so. I am only able to help support myself within this society at present via this PC due to health issues.

    (by the way, I prefer Speckled Hen )

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