Appreciate me! APPRECIATE, DAMN IT!

by Badger 31 Replies latest social current

  • ApagaLaLuz

    It has always amazed me that teachers, who are a very big influence on our kids as they grow up to help mold them into the adults they will become, dont get the appreciation that is due to them. When someone can make a music video and stand there and look pretty to sell a can of pop and make millions. It's a warped reality of our society. I had a couple teachers in highschool that taught me things that I still hold on to. My AP History teacher my Junior year of highschool was my first real exposure to an educated, intelligent woman, who spoke her mind, and knew what she was talking about! I am all for teacher salary increases, oh yah, and a limo with a driver to a from work as a standard policy :)

    (there, now you get some official appreciation from me) *muah*

  • Badger

    Chevy: There's so many of us, tho...I have it all right, and have more fun and get more respect than anywhere else I've worked, especially pioneering .

    I don't begrudge Superintendents, Athletes or Singers making more than me...The first runs the whole show in education, and the latter two I can withhold my personal funding of if I don't like them...

    Teachers, however, are paid by TAXES...and the illiteracy rate can never be too low.

    Thanks, you, back to the class.

    Badger, of the fishing for compliments class.

  • xenawarrior

    (((((((Badger)))))))))) Thank you for what you do. I was raised by a teacher and have several of them in my family so I can appreciate it even more as I've seen the extra they do for the children.

  • desib77

    You are appreciated...


  • Sassy

    Actually I used to have a crush on a couple of my teacher high school...

  • frenchbabyface

    Means that you have Teacher Day ? ... We do not have that ... did you got a day off at least ?
    Anyway we don't need that to appreciate you Badger !

  • Stefanie
    Actually I used to have a crush on a couple of my teacher high school...

    Damn there was this fireman teacher in high school!

    Caused many a ....................

  • Badger

    (((XW))) Thanks...I tell the kids I'm not paid to care about them...but I do anyway...I occasionally drop $20 for markers/copies at kinko's for school stuff, and have a standing bet with my students...if we get and exemplary score on the TAKS test (80% by 80% of the students), I treat to Fajitas and Barbecue.


    (((Sassy))) I'm sure a few teachers may have had crushes on you! (I don't even look at the students, though...bell goes off, I don't notice a thing.)

    FBF: It's not really a holiday...we still teach...It's just a thing here in States to sell cards, flowers and cakes (not to mention apples)...much like secretary or nurse's day. Still, it's nice.

    Stefanie: Hot for teacher, indeed!

  • Sassy
    (((Sassy))) I'm sure a few teachers may have had crushes on you! (I don't even look at the students, though...bell goes off, I don't notice a thing.)

    well.... I actually went back to visit a couple after graduation

    I wasn't so Sassy back then though.. just shy.. and demure.. imagine if I was your student now.. lol

  • Stefanie

    I see where you are coming from.

    But in the eyes of a teenage girl with this fireman who has on a barely fitting t shirt and a smile to light a room????



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