This is horrible....

by desib77 134 Replies latest social current

  • Stefanie

    Why do these threads always end up abusive?

    Desi was just bringing out what she heard on the radio and how it made her feel.

  • patio34

    Well, when the information is in a large newspaper and I think it's pertinent, then okay. It seems strange to me that you have so much hostility at an observation about a man in such a dangerous position. Why does that anger you that it's made known? Additionally, the man was Jewish, putting him in maybe a worse position when that was found out.

    Really, Blacksheep, I think you're pretty bright and don't understand why you get so touchy to other posters. I don't insult you or demand that you explain yourself.

    It would seem that this is more a time to show calm respect for each other and allow the freedom to others to have an opinion that differs from your own.


  • patio34

    Blacksheep, you may draw your own conclusions about the article. Calm down, please.

  • blacksheep

    Oh, and yes, patio, I can REALLY appreciate your intenstive desire to get us to UNDERSTAND the man that was Nick Berg:

    You are so incredibly TRANSPARENT. Trying to make it appear to be HIS FAULT. People cut off his head due to his OWN idiodacy.:

    First, he obviously did not speak the langauge, did not know the region. But the good old US of A was bringing democracy and all that, time to teach the natives. Wonderful idealism. But this is not Kansas, this is a dangerous region, and it is not for amateur hour to wander around a country you don't know, that you have no support in, and that you don't know people in, that you have no connections to keep you safe. Bloody hell, staying in low-end hotels, no connections, no saftey.

    I can do this sort of thing, but I know the place, and I also know that you need to get protection. Good Lord, what kind of clueless git does this? And in March?
    What is it, does no one in the States have a clue that, hey, guess what, being an American does not get you the love nowadays, and you should, before wandering into a war zone, have some support?
    Bloody hell, I just got an offer to go to Baghdad for some consulting with a Fund there, and while for the right money I might do it, I would not take a taxi from Amman, and not have any support.

    Yes, guess I'm the "most contentious" poster you've seen. Cause I don't buy your bs.

  • Cassiline
    It seems strange to me that you have so much hostility at an observation about a man in such a dangerous position.


    I can see his point to an extent, IMO it's like saying a person killed in a parachute accident or any extreme sport should not be greived about or should be blamed because it was his or her own stupidity which killed him, any siutuation where a person is killed because they may not have thought every detail through. I'm not saying this is what your point was by your post, yet it to me came off as insensitive, forgive me for misreading you if I have.


  • blacksheep


    Perfectly calm. Maybe you should CALMLY and rationally consider the impact and message of the article that you quoted.

    It's classic "blame the victim."

    Funny, how with the Abu boys, who are war criminals and terrorists who've murdered people, both Iraq's and Americans, so many people don't seem to be concerned about blaiming THEM as victims.

  • patio34
    I can see his point to an extent, IMO it's like saying a person killed in a parachute accident or any extreme sport should not be greived about or should be blamed because it was his or her own stupidity which killed him, any siutuation where a person is killed because they may not have thought every detail through. I'm not saying this is what your point was by your post, yet it to me came off as insensitive, forgive me for misreading you if I have --Cassi

    Hi Cassi,

    I don't think it's a two-option only scenario: either grieve for him or blame him. There are just a lot of sides to the story. It doesn't mean the man shouldn't be grieved, but it also doesn't mean that certain factors shouldn't be known. The man was in a war zone, on his own. He was not a soldier. He was an American Jew. He was in horrible danger. As you said, maybe it was comparable to a person putting themself in a high-risk activity. But in no way is anyone saying he shouldn't be grieved.

    It seems to me that people should want to know all the facts available. If nothing else, to prevent someone else from getting into dangerous situations unneccessarily.

    Imo, this is just more of the picture. Are we so protected that it hurts us to read the Washington Times and comments about it?


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    BOTH atrocities are horrific, BOTH are all over the news - TV, Radio, Internet, Press.

    What we need to be asking is not how this furthers one cause or another, but how do we get beyond the point where people are capable of such depraved indifference to human life and human dignity?

    I am sickened by those who would use either of these tragedies to promote their ideology.

    Well said Wasa.

  • patio34
    Maybe you should CALMLY and rationally consider the impact and message of the article that you quoted. --Blacksheep

    It seems to me that this article was not offensive and if pointing out that the government has encouraged civilians to go to a war zone and that this man was essentially unprotected in a war zone offends you so much, then, please, don't read it.


  • blacksheep

    Well, when the information is in a large newspaper and I think it's pertinent, then okay. It seems strange to me that you have so much hostility at an observation about a man in such a dangerous position. Why does that anger you that it's made known? Additionally, the man was Jewish, putting him in maybe a worse position when that was found out.

    Yes, my sister who was raped because her car broke down in a very bad neighborhood, should have:

    1) had the good sense to not be driving through that neighborhood

    2) should have never been traveling by herself

    3) should have had the good sense to insure her car was properly serviced so as not to have broken down

    CAN YOU NOT see what you are doing is PRECISELY the same thing? Rather than blame the Islamofascit Nazi killer sickos, you are attemping to cast aspersions against the vicitim.

    It really is making me nauseous. I've seen plenty MORE emotional reactions on the part of the board forum leaders. For far, far less.


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