WT to Congregations, Grow or Go

by benext 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    It has always amazed me how the WTS insisted on splitting congregations at precisely the time they become healthy, vibrant organisms. In my 30 years "in," I saw a number of splits take place. These were almost always unpopular with the rank and file and almost always driven by either a self-aggrandizing CO (who wanted to report how successful his ministry was and present the split as evidence of growth) or by egocentric elders who worried there weren't enough important positions to go around.

    The amount of politicking that went into making up the rosters for these new congregations resembled nothing so much as a back-room deal in any large American city during an election. Favors were traded, markers were called in, and guys jockeyed for position shamelessly.

    It would be a major embarrassment for the WTS to start consolidating congos. I would think they would fight this trend because it looks like they're losing the battle. And I would guess most of the elders wouldn't like it, either (the infighting would be horrific).

  • benext

    It could possibly be this "experiment" will start in the NYC area where it can be monitored by HQ. The simplified literature arrangement started the same way. A few congs have already been dissolved and these two will merge before the next service year. This elder made a point of telling me he became the service overseer a couple of months ago and since his is the "original" cong. the merging brothers will have to take a back seat.

    As for attendance taking there were some interesting conversations as to who got counted (those sleeping, babies, etc.) and how far into the meeting someone could enter and still be counted. We had one sister who would arrive a few minutes before the PT would end and the PO would want her and 3 children counted.

  • xjw_b12

    That idea was actually floated where I live. It was due to economics, more so than dwindling numbers. ( Of course that was 10+ years ago).

    My congregation had just built a new dual congregation / assembly hall on the North side of town. The hall on the south side of town was older and in need of renovations/redecorating. The C.O. at the time suggested the south congregation put their hall up for sale.

    It was not to be a merge, as the numbers were ok, but for economic reasons the consensus was the south congreagation would share the new building as a seperate 3rd congregation

    There was quite a bit of opposition from the south congregation, ( who liked Sunday afternoon or evening meetings? ) but the KH was put up for sale. It was on the market for over a year, and never sold and the plan was scrapped.

  • MikeMusto

    this has been going on in NYC for over a year--i made a post about awhile back

    its "cost effective" so we can spend less on halls in the u.s cuz the worldwide fielde is growing so god damn much

  • blondie

    willyloman, that was a typo, I knew there were 3 on the service committee, finger got on the 2 instead of the 3, that is what happens when you post at work.


  • stillajwexelder

    I knew there were 3 on the service committee,

    PO, SO, SEC

    5 positions = PO, SO, SEC, TMSO, WTSC

  • Elsewhere
    It was on the market for over a year, and never sold and the plan was scrapped.

    I have seen several KH's fail to sell. Is it normally very hard to sell them?

  • stichione

    This already happened to our congregation over two years ago.

  • Euphemism
    Sassy wrote:wow.. they sure would not be happy closing their doors and driving 25 - 40 miles...

    I think it's only being done in urban areas. Rural areas have often had much smaller congregations (as little as 20).

  • Satanus

    What ever happened to 'where there are two or three gathered together, i am in their midst'? Oh yah, that would only apply to the anointed. General great crowd jw publishers don't count, as their contract is w the wt society in new york.


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