I think I figured out the WT's end-game

by nowwhat? 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nowwhat?

    the plan is to build many new kingdom halls with the "commercial' appearance. store front flat roof etc. after completion the GB  will announce the tribulation is upon us! and instruct us to meet in basements instead.

    [ see upcoming wt study} and then flip all these commercial grade buildings for a tidy profit. 

  • pixel

    I think it goes more like this:

    Build many new kingdom halls with the "commercial' appearance store front flat roof etc. after completion the GB  will announce that they will have to sell it and buy another one.

    KH construction will be more like a karma...all over again, all over again... $$$$$

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    Sorry guys.     I don't buy it.      In order for this to be true the whole GB would have to be truly evil and working a sinister plan (like Dr. evil).      I have seen no evidence of this.       On the contrary they all act like totally deluded fully indoctrinated and brainwashed fools who lack the education required to run the worldwide printing and real estate company that they have been endowed with.   


  • violias
    elders have  told l me they knew it was just a Corp. and a lot of jobs depended on it. I believe the folks at the top know this is just a business and are keeping it going b/c it supports a lot of them. 
  • nonjwspouse

    Iggy, they have actually done a good job at real estate buying and selling. Now exactly who is behind the decisions is a good question ( I believe it is the lawyers ultimately)

    I do not believe for one minute all of those at the top are fully deluded. Partially, sure, but not fully. They are aware of what they are doing in regards to making money in real estate. It is obvious when tracking the selling in the past years, and the introduction of promissory donation slips, and the introduction of perpetual "mortgages" or "improvement loans" for each KH yet the WT holds the ownership.

  • Ignoranceisbliss


    do u believe that the GB are having KH built with Slave labor  with the full intention of selling them in a few years at a profit?  


  • NewYork44M

    Most of the Watchtower construction over the past 30 or so years focused on easy conversion to other uses, usually high end apartments. So, I am sure they are doing the same thing with the new wave of kingdom halls. Make they easy to convert to other uses - primarily commercial or professional space (i.e. doctor offices).

    They have title to the property so there is no reason to use the GT scare to flip these properties. They can use an lame excuse they want.  They don't even have to give a reason, because they own the property. 

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. end game has been pretty much static for over a century and that is cultivate followers who they can mentally manipulate and exploit into distributing their literature to find other people that they can do the same to the ones they have already drawn in.

    Rinse cycle repeat, the publishing business runs continuously.  

    The WTS has been very successful in getting money and property out people by their persuasiveness of we are doing God's will and that doing so will in fact make a personal appeasement to god in the endeavor.  


  • LV101

    Violia - LOVE your avatar.  My daughter sent me with that poster and it's the greatest!  I hope everyone reads it - I like what the elders told you!  

    Lawyers have to be running the real estate business - those parasitic idiots (GB/anointed/whatever) are too stupid/clueless about business/reality other than how to control thru fantasy and siphon all they can off others.  Just plain con men.  



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