What Made You Realize The WTBTS Was NOT The Truth

by Kevin 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • RandomTask

    Matthew 7 16 By their fruit you will recognize them.

  • lovinlife

    Welcome! For me it was the injustice and lack of love I witnessed and was affected by personally. My ex husband/elder had an affair with my best friend, also a regular pioneer, was emotionally and physically abusive my entire marriage. All o this came out about the abuse, the elders did nothing. They then wrote the society, and they came back and said that they really could not get involved in a marrital dispute. He was stalking me at the time, police repts accrued up the wazoo and still they said that there was nothing anyone could do. Then, he beat my mother and myself up...need I say more!? So here came my realization: The society could tell me what kind of sex I was allowed to have (no masterbation or oral sex etc), but they could not intervene when bodily harm was involved!!! What hypocrites!!! My stint at bethel didn't help either. It was the most political and gossipy place I have ever seen in my life.

    I hope your wife will see the "real" truth and get out of there! Good luck!

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    When I compared what the WTB&TS quoted in the Trinity brochure to what was actually written in the books that they quoted from. I was shocked and dismayed by the sloppy scholarship, at best, or downright dishonesty, at worst. It was at that point that I realized the WTS, would never hold the Society in regard at all.

  • Joe Bloggs
    Joe Bloggs


    What comes across to you that makes you think it is false, may I ask?

    Sure! :

    Main Entry: 1 false
    Pronunciation: 'fols
    Function: adjective
    Inflected Form(s): fals·er; fals·est
    Etymology: Middle English fals, from Old French & Latin; Old French, from Latin falsus, from past participle of fallere to deceive
    : not genuine <false documents> <false teeth>
    2 a : intentionally untrue <false testimony> b : adjusted or made so as to deceive <false scales> false bottom> c : intended or tending to mislead false promise>
    3 : not true <false concepts>
    4 a : not faithful or loyal : TREACHEROUS false friend> b : lacking naturalness or sincerity <false sympathy>
    5 a : not essential or permanent -- used of parts of a structure that are temporary or supplemental b : fitting over a main part to strengthen it, to protect it, or to disguise its appearance false ceiling>
    6 : inaccurate in pitch false note>
    7 a : based on mistaken ideas <false pride> b : inconsistent with the facts false position> false sense of security>
    8 : threateningly sudden or deceptive move>
    synonym see FAITHLESS
    - false·ly adverb
    - false·ness noun

    Taken from Merriam-Webster Online:


    I hope that answers your question, Theocrat. However, should you wish to dispute that the above definitions do not apply to Watchtower, then please elaborate.


  • Kevin

    I really appreciate everyones responses to my difficult situation.

    The info will definitely come in handy.


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