lifestyle essentials (shooooooeeeeessssssss)

by dh 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    what things are essential to your lifestyle, things that you 'need' or just make it easier for you to to carry out your functions in the world, or just things you have a vice for.

    for myself i love shoes, people laugh because i have so many pairs, i buy them everywhere i go, and often leave them places, i think i have shoes in 4 different countries, probably 40 pairs, maybe more if i really tried counting, in this room alone i have 9 pairs, ha ha ha.

    i also love good luggage and have way too much of that too, i am trying to find a piece of cabin sized luggage that i can live out of for a month without feeling like i haven't got enough shoes, samsonite have some good new stuff out this year, for people who love real working luggage.

    and... i like to have the most portable fully featured laptop available, otherwise i start to twitch.

    i probably sound like a totally materialistic individial, but for me these items are mission critical, bad shoes are terrible, there's nothing worse than having to walk miles in shoes that look good but hurt, it's a nightmare, have you ever seen anything that looks more ridiculous than a person trying to look good in shoes that are killing them? well if you haven't, here is number 2. you're using a piece of luggage that you got cheap, it looks great, but just as you are performing a vital manouvre, like lifting it over a rail or up some stairs, the handle breaks, why does it break? because you overloaded it, aggh, you overloaded it why? because you're smarter than the manufacturer and thought you could fit a little more in! the luggage leaves you looking like even more of an idiot than the shoes because it always happens when you are surrounded by people who are rushing, and you wind up missing the train or flight, or worse, running to try to catch it with luggage in hand... have you ever tried picking up and running with a piece of luggage that is meant to be pulled on wheels? not to mention the bits of broken handle stabbing you while you try in vane to get to gate 357... and last but not least... the portable computer, this is a must for any neurotic net junkie or person who pretends to need it for work, however it can't be just any lame laptop, no it has to have everything, yes everything, if it hasn't got everything it's because they didn't make it right, and that was the easy part, next it has to be small, tiny in fact, or at least small enough to not look like a compromise... why does it have to be so small? duh, to fit in with the shoes!

    i have no idea why i posted this.


    (edited because)

  • Yerusalyim

    I like ink pens...all kinds...I do a lot of writing as I evaluate my students (who graduate tomorrow THANK GOD) any given times I may carry as many as five ink pens on my person.

  • bisous

    Yeru ... SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!!

    You don't wear pocket protectors, Do You?????

  • dh

    okay okay, i know nobody was really interested in this thread, except yeru and bisous, thanks for replying! but i have a further update.

    i am now the proud ownder of another pair of shoes

    they are white adidas sneakers

    sneakers because i like to sneak



  • Englishman

    Buying shoes is a nightmare for me. I'm size 14 UK and extra, extra broad too. The nearest shop that sells my size is 40 minutes drive away. Plus, my shoes cost almost double the price of conventional sizes.


  • Maya
    Maya're crackin' me up.........

  • Odrade

    books. one can never have too many books. books are my friends. I always have several books in my bag/backpack/whatever. And purses. I have lots of purses. Why would you want to carry the same purse day after day after day. I get bored. They have to look good and have lots of pockets so my gadgets don't clang against one another. A good purse has enough pockets to separate everything, but hold it in the most compact space possible. I don't like to carry a suitcase to contain all my gadgets.

    Oh yeah, and I live in the Pacific NW, so I have a boatload of coats. med weight, heavy, lightweight, windbreakers, dress up coats, fashion coats, yardwork coats. Coats I can only wear over a thin shirt, and coats big enough to accomodate a sweater and hooded jacket underneath.

    I also like pens...

    obsessions are good...


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Like Odrade, I collect books. Everything from historical books, true crime, biographies, science, physics, religious, I love all of them. I can't part with them, either. They are all over the house. My reading stack is about 6 feet high (in two three foot piles, heh). I don't even read as much as I used to and I still read around 3 books a week. I am not fond of anything fictional, though, so don't have many of those around.

    I also collect animals and strange friends. If I didn't have animals around me, I'd be a nut case, well... more of a nut case! I guess the friends come with the territory of being somewhat odd. My Father collects odd friends, too, so I don't feel like the "odd" girl out! I have always liked somewhat offbeat people, their stories (whether true or not), and their lifestyles. Intruiguing....


  • RubyTuesday

    I to must confess...I love shoes also.I just moved and I had about 5 boxes of them,I understand that saying now "becoming a slave to your possessions". I also collect books and albums and I have so many different jackets .

    dh...maybe you should cut down on the caffine and/or sugar...j/k..your a crack up.

  • moonwillow

    I hate buying shoes also I wear a size 11AAAA US I drive an hour and a half to get to the nearest store which sometimes has nothing for me and can't order anything either and like Englishman they cost double what a normal pair cost!

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