The Watchtower - A Waste of Paper and Time? ( May 1, 2004)

by metatron 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Often, when you pick up a copy of the Watchtower, you'll notice some articles that

    give good counsel. They may advise elders to lovingly care for the flock, teenagers to

    stay out of trouble or attempt to encourage helping the elderly. All these things are fine


    The problem is, that these noble sentiments carry no real weight. While some idealist

    toiling away in the Writing Staff may get such thoughts published, in the real world of being

    a Witness, no elder is ever likely to be removed because he doesn't give a rats a$$ about

    the congregation.

    Ask yourself how likely it is that ANY of these platitudes will prevent young Johnny

    Witness from 'doing' his girlfriend or thinking that elderly people are a waste of protoplasm.

    Ask yourself, if Witnesses are ignoring the Society's endless pleas for more MONEY,

    then how much impact is this sort of printed sentiment going to have? Did pleas "not to

    save seats", year after year, at the assembly have any effect?

    Ask yourself, which is really more important to the Society - putting down (often mythical)

    hours on a field service report - or actually spending that time helping the disadvantaged?

    There's no space for "charity" on that slip, is there, Brother Publisher? It doesn't "count"

    Ask yourself, if any Circuit Overseer ignored or contradicted these noble thoughts,

    in pursuit of 'more hours' or more rules, who would oppose him? Who would think him

    wrong? Anyone?

    Jesus put it simply:

    "for they say but do not perform" ( Matt. 23:3).

    This organization will never change. It will always be dominated by committees of

    stubborn, old men, who live in relative isolation, almost entirely without children.

    They will never allow any special, authorized programs to help people in need in the

    organization - even if the Bible allows for such (Acts 6:1-7, I Tim 5:9).

    Waving a disapproving finger is all they think is needed. Anything more might interfere

    with the 'glorious work' of magazine peddling.

    If you are lurking - or 'hanging on' - hoping that , one day, the Watchtower Society

    will actually live up to its promises of brotherhood,

    it's time you woke up. It isn't going to happen.

    Not now, not in ten years, not ever.

    They are utterly resistant to reason, pleas for mercy, - or prayers.


  • willyloman

    That pretty much says it all.

  • the mole
    the mole

    i couldnt have said it any better

  • frankiespeakin


    That was eloquent,,and so easy to understand,,,thank you,,,for I think many will see what you are saying and leave the WT.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    That was good. Agree on your view point.

  • gumby
    The problem is, that these noble sentiments carry no real weight

    The reason they carry no weight is because of all the "other shit" they spew out of their two mouthed faces. They appear so loving and protective..........if you follow all the advise they give you and you obey like a robot. I'm sure Charlie Manson said "some" nice things too.


  • outoftheorg

    Met. When you think about this, it will never happen. Because for one thing, they keep the members so tied down to several meetings, door to door, study at home, go to assemblies instead of taking a relaxing vacation, that one is exhausted. Both mentally and physically.

    Then they start in with the why aren't you doing more crap and then begins the depression and self condemnation.

    So even if one is inclined to doing "good works" for widows and orphans, there is no time or mental or physical energy left to spare.

    More self condemnation. Now you are told that, reading the publications and going to all the meetings and more door to door is the answer.

    It never quits.


  • Roddy

    Well said. Unfortunately many more trees will be wasted before the WTS becomes a dinosaur.

    I think I'll start taking the Watchtower and Awake magazines from some poor lonely pioneer on the street. I'll use them for free toilet paper. At least it will be wasted paper put to good use. And it give my butt some color.

  • OHappyDay

    Unfortunately Metatron, you are correct in your analysis. I say "unfortunately" because this could be a good religion if those in control would only cut the crap.

    Unfortunately, good works = field service and only field service. No other "good works" have any merit in this organization. As you said, 'charity doesn't count.' No place on the report for it.

    The emphasis is all on bringing new people in. And the ones already in are neglected to fend for themselves unless they are bringing still newer people in. All this "sense of urgency" is for what? We can't force God's hand to bring the End, but we keep trying, driving the slaves to do more!

    The newest WT, May 15, 2004, has two study articles on helping the elderly, calling them "valuable members of our Christian brotherhood." Maybe they mean those elderly gents up there in Brooklyn. Spend too much time caring for the local elderly ones, and you miss out on field service, which is a no-no. So how much real concern do these articles demonstrate? It's all just words.

    When will we learn that we can't do anything more to secure our salvation than Jesus has done already? It should be about love, not about "counting time."

    But no one up in Brooklyn really cares. So sad.

  • blondie

    Met, I agree, I finally gave up thinking that even if there was a decent statement in the WT that the local congregation, elders and so forth, would apply it.

    Actions speak louder than words.


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