what do you consider cheating?

by Azalo 56 Replies latest social relationships

  • Descender

    Hmm, so lets say I'm out to dinner with my wife and she tell me about a guy she made out with at a club the other night, and then spent the evening in his hot tub later on. And then the subject of gag reflexis come up and she says "oh yeah, I was told I had good gag reflexis by ...... " and then trails off like she didn't mean to say that much. Oh yeah, she has a box of condomns that I've never used hidden under her clothes. Then she tells me she's been invited to two big frat parties this weekend. I'm confused, should I consider that cheating.

    Oh yeah, the anti-depressants are working well.

  • Maverick

    Hey Descender what does the S on the dogs chest stand for; stooge, sucker, sap?

    You must like getting a beating. You go back to that woman over and over for more of the same. She has total contempt for you man!

    When I was a married man I was truely faithful and loyal to my wife. She however, lived by a different standard. Now I am not in a committed relationship so I set my own rules. The women, (plural) I see may not agree with this, and I don't complicate my life by telling them about each other, but I have no problem with it. If they give me any flak, they're history! I could care less for political correctness! Maverick

  • The Angry Atheist
    The Angry Atheist

    holy crap is it cheating to make freinds of girls? i have a friend who is a girl and i spend the night on her couch allwh th time, we get good and drunk together all the time. i have never touched her in aproprietly or nuthin. ive gotten in troble for be'in around her though

    " who'S this girl" she says( my ex) "hunh? are you hiding any thing from me?"

    being frinds with girls does not constitute cheating. niether does makeing friends. so pppbbbbbbblah


    the angry atheist.

  • Carmel

    I thought your were talking about short changing your customers...................

    carmel who's pure as the snow

  • xenawarrior

    I think if you go to the back of the book and look up the answers to the crossword puzzle that ain't right.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Taking all of the stickers off the Rubek's Cube and putting them back on in such a way as to make it appear you were either genius or patient enough to solve the puzzle.

    I didn't do this. Wasn't smart enough to think of it; but I know a tall, handsome green-eyed guy who did this when he was but a boy.


  • LittleToe

    You ratted me out!!!

  • myauntfanny
    Taking all of the stickers off the Rubek's Cube and putting them back on in such a way as to make it appear you were either genius or patient enough to solve the puzzle.

    Well, it takes some sort of genius to think of doing that. The thought never even occurred to me. I hate those stupid things anyway, I can never even get THREE to line up.

  • LittleToe

    Most I ever managed was two sides, until I came up with the "remove the stickers" ploy
    (they never seemed to go back on properly, though... Hmmm)

  • myauntfanny

    Specially designed to foil cheaters like you, probably.

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