Went To The Quick Build

by Undecided 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTLies

    The local congregation does own their building but they can't make any major changes to it without the ok of the WT. I think this idea of the WT owning the loca hall started from the fact that the WT does own all assmebly halls. The local congregations were loaned the money (with intrest) from the WT and when it's paid for, they still they don't own the assmebly hall. Even worse they are charged rent every time they have a Circuit Assmebly or SAD.


    Former member of a NON- Prophet Organization

  • Undecided

    I have no first hand infomation about the ownership of the KH after it's paid for. I was just repeating what I heard on this board. Could someone give some proof of this?

    Ken P.

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    The local congregation does own their building

    If the society decides to close the hall down and disperse the congregation, who gets the $$?

    I can see the society wanting the local cong's name on the property to protect the society in the case of lawsuits, but if the building is ever sold, who gets the money?

  • Darkness

    Time flies .... As i was a young child my father helpt in quite a lot Quick Builds. As i was too young at the time i couldn't go with him. But he was never baptized (put onder water if i misspelled it :p) But they kept on asking him ... i think he went to 7 or 8 QB's as a non jehovah witness. But when he died there was no speech in the kingdom hall he helpt build. The speech was held at the graveyard. That was the beginning of the end for me. I made my conclutions then. Oh yeah they do have windows :p

  • Undecided

    When you think about it, the local brothers and sisters wouldn't get a cent of money if the KH was sold and closed. It would all go to the society. It's like the Catholic church, all the property belongs to the church. That seems reasonable to me, since it is a religion that you are a member of, and if you leave you don't get any refund of your contributions.

    Ken P.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    A very rare event, but when it happens the money gets prorated to the various congregations to whom the publishers are dispersed, unless they vote to donate the money to the world wide work or something of that nature, it's their call.

    Assembly halls are a completely different deal.

  • Undecided

    Pork Chop,

    When we started the congregation in my town about 40 years ago, we were incorporated and held a meeting once a year as required by law. The KH was owned by our corperation. This was organized by a lawyer from Florida who was recommended by the society when we borrowed the money to build the KH. I think he was a JW. I don't remember where the money came from though.

    Ken P.

  • Maverick

    It is a corporate shell game. The WTS limits their liability to lawsuits by having the locals "own" the land. Let the locals try to secede from the WTS and see the weasle clauses and loop holes they have to fight. Maverick

  • SadElder

    Have been involved with several congs. over the years. While the method varies from state to state, the local group owns the Hall. In some states the local cong. forms a corporation which holds title to the Hall via that entity. Brooklyn does not own or have title. When loans are made Brooklyn holds the deed as a pledge against the debt. The deed is forwarded to the congregation once the loan is paid.

    BTW interest is no longer charged on the loans the society makes. This stopped several years ago. At one time they charged 6% interest then dropped to 3%, then no interest. I think they got quite a bit of heat over charging interest on money that was donated for the express purpose of building halls.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    It is my understanding that the congregation donates to the building fund and sends the money to headquarters Payment 1

    After a certain amount of time the congregation borrows back the money they donated to pay for the land and new hall. Payment 2

    If the hall is sold the money goes back to the WTS as another donation. Payment 3

    2 congregations join and donate for a new, bigger, fancier hall built for 2 or more congregations. Payment 4

    hmmmm OK now we have 2 or more congregations holding the deed on part of a property.

    They have donated money over 40 years and now have a mortgage to pay on part of a property.

    The congregation I was with just goes off and builds a new hall as soon as the old one is paid for and starts the payment thing all over again. Meanwhile there are periods of time they are donating to the Kingdom Hall fund to help out worldwide and paying their loan back to the congregation with money they have already given them

    Ok I'm getting dizzy.

    Please someone explain this to me as if I was a child

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