
by pc 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    another survivor of demon attacks and sleep paralysis, waking up saying "jehovah jehovah" all the time.. I knew the most manic jws, one sis got rid of everything in her house b/c of demons. I was sure "kiss" was dmonized and told mey kids so. I feel like a totla dumbarse cause now i listen to them. Just a bunch of guys in costumes with makeup one. So what?

    It is a miricle we are all not in a mental ward.

  • Tatiana
    It is a miricle we are all not in a mental ward.

    Speak for yourself, wednesday...

    April....posting from Bellevue....hehe

  • boa

    The jury is out for me on what or who the demons are if they are anything like described or even exist. There can be several other reasons to explain various occurrences (such as extreme mental stress) but I don't know what to believe. There are several mental illnesses that result in hallucinations as well.

    I just know I haven't had any demon problems but I have heard many different stories that usually have some similar theme - such as trying to burn something and it won't burn blah blah blah. I remember a yearbook experience where some missionaries (I believe) were down in S America somewhere and they're new home had some sort of problems and after really searching the place carefully, there was supposedly something odd nailed to a wall (a medalion or something) - ah well.

    Another story I recently heard right from the horses mouth was that supposedly some stuff left behind by a relative at a friends house was causing unknown problems so the person got rid of the stuff and put opened bibles all over the house - JEECE!

    I believe jws are some of the most superstitious people and religion on earth and THANK GOD I'm not part of that mentally exhausting way of living - yet it still rears its ugly head from time to time - damn!


    of the non-superstitious class now (mostly)

  • wednesday

    Even Halle Berry told a story about the dress she wore in the last movie she was in. It was a chiller about madness and after death stuff. apparently the lady got scared with it in her house and said some unusual things happened. She said she got rid of the dress.

  • doodle-v

    awwww lawdy lawdy dem deeeemunz dey sho is scary!!!

    y'all betta get ta prayin less'n y'all want dem deeemunz to come up into yo house while you be sleepin!!!

  • Puternut

    Don't scare me like that're speaking in tongues

  • doodle-v

    once dem deeeemunz be gettin to ya you be speakin all kindsa crasy ass sh**t

  • Puternut

    STOP IT!!!!.............................. JEHOVER? hep me?

    she is demonized

    now I"ll never sleep tonight..........

  • Sunnygal41

    Do I believe in demons? Hmmmm, I believe there are tortured spirits and negative energy........I also believe that by thinking about them and being frightened of them you in essence give them power........our thoughts are just energy after all..........


    Pocahontas was bad because she talked to the "spirits".

    I talk to the spirits of things too (I'm native american)..........most native americans believe that every thing on our planet has a spirit or energy......even stones and plants..........

    You just refreshed my memory on why I have such a hard time with "christians" in general......some of them are as fanatical as some Muslims.......


  • AuSet

    My Mom actually did collect many antiques, I never knew that this was a "no no"

    She was/is extremely superstitious, and after bringing some new antique or other object into the house, if she had "bad dreams" after that, she was convinced the object was demonized.

    One time she spent a lot of money on a redwing crock and after bringing it home, had a few nights of "the bad dreams" so she figured she was going to silence the demons by stuffing it full of Watchtowers!!! LOL. Still to this day it remains in the bathroom stuffed with literature! What nonsense. Also, if she had to bring something into the house that she couldn't immediately neutralize with WT publications, she would put it into a garbage bag and carry it out to the end of our property and put the bag on the other side of the property line. Even my entire fam thought she was nuts, and they were all JWs!!

    Her paranoia affected me so much growing up that there was actually a time, even when I was late into my teens, when I could not sleep in my bedroom and/or with the lights off for fear of the demons!

    After leaving the "truth" I've never slept so soundly, my dreams are all wonderful, and if not, I can deal with them without saying "jehover! help me!" Someone, who was a Wiccan high priestess, once told me that the more time you spend thinking about something or someone, the more power you give to that entity. Perhaps this is why the JWs are more bothered than most others by the demons, if they do exist?

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