"Are you going to the memorial...?"

by Winston Smith :>D 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    "Are you going to the memorial...?"

    That's the question I hear this morning from my wife in-between the daily ritual of smacking the snooze button.

    I was still getting the sleep out of my eyes, so I had to think for a second if I was dreaming and if I had really DA'd myself last year or not.

    *check. Yep, that really happened*

    "Well, I am not going back to the KH to observe the custom of a cult that I DA'd myself from, so no.... Ummmm..., why do you ask?"

    "Because I was wondering if you were going to observe the command from Jesus to 'keep doing this in remmeberance of me'..."

    *Boy, this is turning out to be a crap-tastic way to start off the day*

    "Well, I am not going to leave one set of beliefs only to rush off into another set of beliefs that could be false as well. I'm going to take my time to research things first before I would get involved in anything like that again."

    ...good times, good times...

  • xjw_b12

    Winston. Not sure which thread to post to? Repetition for emphasis ??

    the command from Jesus to 'keep doing this in remmeberance of me'..."

    Which command was that. The one to go the KH and ignore him?

    Take Care

  • Yerusalyim

    Perhaps remind her that the scripture says, 11 COR 26...."For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." And according to their doctrine...he came in 1914...therefore...there's no need to go.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    My JW friend invited me (got a ticket and everything). However, being brought up in "other" Christian religions with a belief that one goes to heaven when one dies.....I have a "heavenly hope"... therefore, I guess I can partake of the emblems (at least I'm going to try....hehe). I just don't get it, all first and second century Christians celebrated the Eurcharist every sabbath day, it wasn't once a year for a select few.... how do the JWs justify this? Christ said "keep doing this in rememberence of me"... tell your wife that when the JWs get back to doing it correctly as Jesus instructed, then you would be interested in participating. Otherwise you're just watching people pass plates and cups. (my 2 cents.... now I will exit...)

  • GermanXJW

    >And according to their doctrine...he came in 1914...therefore...there's no need to go.

    Well, I think they are currently teaching that Jesus is coming during his presence.

  • blondie

    Does she want you to go for her sake or yours. She might think that she will feel awkward if you aren't there. Maybe she can hookup with another sister whose husband won't be attending so she won't be so alone.


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Yeru, good point, but I tihnk that she'd take the stance the GermanJW stated.

    Reasoning with her on things like this would be about as productive as explaining to her the fine points of the internal combustion engine.

    Does she want you to go for her sake or yours? Blondie
    To save my soul. Since I have fallen to the dark side, the wagons are circling her and she has more 'friends' than you can shake a stick at. She even regularly makes trips out of state every few weekends to see an ever expanding circle of friends.
  • kls

    Winston, did you and youre wife see the Silentlamb caucus in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal sunday? Just wondering if any, youre wifes reaction. My jw husband had no reaction at all .

  • boa

    Winston Smith,

    I'm not going for the reasons you state. Will be the first time missing in over 30 yrs of my life. Should be some interesting fallout but I think (hope) I am ready to stand up to it.


    btw, I would love to discuss the finer points of an internal combustion engine with someone - my chosen trade!

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Winston, did you and youre wife see the Silentlamb caucus in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal sunday? Just wondering if any, youre wifes reaction. My jw husband had no reaction at all .


    OMG, no!.... what section is it in???

    I'll check it tonight and leave it out for her after she finishes her Bible reading for the memorial tonight, again, the same scriptures for another year....

    btw, I would love to discuss the finer points of an internal combustion engine with someone - my chosen trade!



    I did think of going and this year just to raise hell.

    I'm DA'd, so I thought that it would be fun to get to hte KH nice and early just to force the loving brothers and sisters into a conversation with me in front of their studies or memorial viting family/friends just to demonstrate how loving they really are!

    Can anyone say shun?

    But that would be counter-productive to my & the wifely unit's relationship

    I'd love to take lucky nun up on her dare in another thread and swig the wine and then walk down the aisle wiping my mouth and then yelling,

    "Who's the man, bitch? Jesus, that's who!"

    Again, another assinine idea of mine that would not be helpful in the long run....

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