The best movie of all time and I almost missed it.

by FirstInLine 12 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Princess
    After they just abruptly ended the first LOTR movie w/o dropping the damn ring in the fire, I haven't been back. Three freakin' hours and they just fade to black? I still want my money back. Give me a good action flick like "My Dinner With Andre" or "Swimming to Cambodia" or even "Waiting for Guffman" anyday.

    Thank you six. That is exactly what I thought when the first one "ended". I looked at my husband and said "what the hell was that? I sat through three miserable hours and the goddamn movie didn't even end?" He told me there were two more. I slept through the second and haven't been tortured with the third yet. I'm pretty sure they finally get the f*&king ring in the fire and the cute guy becomes king. I couldn't care less though.

  • bebu

    My sons have watched the first and second of the series more times than I can remember. They are both major LOTR fans. I've seen the first movie, but after the long wait to get to the second show (Twin Towers) I lost my interest and have not seen it yet.

    After reading your reviews, though, I think I will make a point of watching it next time they pop it in the VCR. Sounds intriguing.


    PS... am worried about watching a certain spider scene in the third movie...!

  • FirstInLine

    Six of 9, Princess-

    The Return of the King is the most action packed movie of all time. The first two dont even compare. You just watch for first two to get setup for the most unbelievable film since Star Wars. I spent the whole day watching Fellowship in its 4 hour extended format and Towers. And I am going to the theater tommorrow to see King again for the second time. King was so good that I just still cant believe it.

    After watching the first two today I have changed my mind and think the first one was the better of the two. In particular when Arwen (Liv Tyler) is fleeing from the Ring Wraiths on Horseback with Frodo. Those shots were some of the best footage I think in film history.

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