Prove I'm Not John Cleese-- no 4H-ers, please

by suzi mayhem 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    Ah, it looks like another from the Asshole Class has popped up.

    FYI, BrainSoft, all of the accounts were active when I posted.

    Actually I enjoy the tete-a-tete with Suzi. She's nowhere near as braindead as the rest of the crew. Just a little misdirected, but fun to play with.

    To Simon

    What's this "Inactive Account" thing? Haven't seen it before.


  • Scarlet Pimpernel
    Scarlet Pimpernel

    Well at least I'm not dead yet.

    Simon are you having a bad day or are they all villains with duplicate accounts?

    I trust your Judgment whatever.

  • LaraCroft

    To Alan,

    Exactly what makes me an Asshole? Because I disagree with your blatant disregard for a woman's right to exist? Your behaviour has been to say the least, disgusting. Even from an alleged "asshole"'s point of view.

    Your attack was not requested in any form as far as I can see, in fact, she asked you quite nicely to leave her alone. Yet you persist. Why so much persecution, Alan? What witches are you trying to burn here? Weren't YOU one of the persecuted not all that long ago? Did YOU like it? Or have you forgotten what it's like to be an outcast in the eyes of the world?

    And all it took was one woman in goth makeup to make you into a monster? I doubt that. Judging by your posts, you small-minded pissant, I would say you were always a monster.

    The accounts were NOT active when you posted, schoolyard bully. I checked.

    And you should know what the inactive means.. It means Suzi can't defend herself. Again I say to you.... COWARD.

    The only reason you find Suzi Mayhem to be "misdirected" in your small mind, is because she went so far over your head you forgot to look up to understand what she was saying. You obviously didn't READ and UNDERSTAND her posts, or you wouldn't be so hard-up to break her in the eyes of the world. What fraternity hazed you, my brother?


    Not quite sure what the situation is with the inactive accounts, but there are suspicions. Seems a LOT of people have multiple accounts, but only a select few-- those who happened to disagree with another select few-- got themselves deleted.
    Really makes you think.....


  • LaraCroft

    It's important the moderators don't treat people with opposing points of view as trouble makers. As long as their opinions are genuinely held then they are entitled to them (hey, I'm sure a lot of us have had trouble becuse of holding views that are contrary to a certain organisation...)

    Wiser words were never said on this site.

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