Free Field Trips

by simplesally 11 Replies latest social family

  • simplesally

    Where do you take your kids for free that they just totally love?

    I took Teryn to the pet shop yesterday and they let her hold a mouse and a rat. Mommy ignored the warning about a certain bird and got big, hard! Drew blood even, my knuckle is sore today and I broke the scab off......drats. But Teryn had fun watching Mom get bit by a bird...hardy har har.

    I also belong to the Aquarium, so now the visits are free, and she just loves that too, seeing all the fishies.

  • Sassy

    What bit you? the rat??

    Make sure you don't get infected Sallygirl

  • simplesally

    A parrot bit me........ouch.

  • shotgun

    A parrot bit you..hmmm...hard to tell from your post what you were upto..maybe another spanking

    Mommy ignored the warning about a certain bird and got big, hard
    (Sally only a few birds get bigger when you touch them)

    I take it you meant bit not big.

  • Nosferatu
    Mommy ignored the warning about a certain bird and got big, hard!

    I really had to figure out what you were saying here. For a minute there, I thought you were a man who gets turned on by birds!

    As for your question, My dad always took me to K-mart.

  • Sassy

    yeah I was wondering about that "BIG HARD".. but then thought it was just my dirty mind reading it wrong..

  • Scully

    We have a membership that gives us unlimited access to our local kid-friendly museums and other attractions. It includes the National Museum of Science and Technology, the National Aviation Museum and the Central Experimental Farm. They are terrific hands-on places for kids to check out all kinds of cool things.

    About an hour's drive away, we also like to make field trips to the Hershey Chocolate Factory and go on the tour of the factory. An hour or so in the other direction we have Upper Canada Village which is a touristy kind of place that takes you back to a time and place about a century ago.

    When the kids were smaller, they loved the indoor playground at the local mall... I liked it because we could go there in any kind of weather and didn't have to wash mud out of their clothes after.

    Love, Scully

  • simplesally

    Shoot, I meant BIT

    I was posting a family topic, not a Sassy post!! hehe

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    At least you now know to pay attention to warnings about biting birds!

    I feel your pain. Literally. I once ignored a sign by a parrot in a pet store that warned people not to pick it up. But it sat there, head cocked at me, holding out it's leg just begging me to let it step onto my arm. So I let it. It pulled at my hair, bit my shoulder and gave me a nasty bruise, bit every button off my coat, and wouldn't let go when I tried to put it back on it's perch. I looked down the aisle toward an employee of the store, and she just shook her head and walked away. I finally rid myself of the bird which proceeded to walk again to the edge of it's perch and put it's foot out all innocent-like to entice it's next victim. I learned my lesson.

  • simplesally

    Sara!!!!!!!!!! Talk about laughing out loud! Sorry that happened to you, but its funny now.

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