Love or Hate Field Service

by XBEHERE 39 Replies latest jw friends


    How many of you went out in the field because you had to or because you wanted to? If because you had to, how did you feel while doing it? Just curious.

    I currently go out because I have to. I try to avoid it as much as I possibly can though.

  • Insomniac

    I hated it with a passion, even when I was an auxilliary pioneer. I went because, like you, I felt that I had to. It was so nice to stop going! I hope you're able to quit soon, too.

  • JH

    I went in the field service because I HAD to.

    I wouldn't have minded going if I was invited.

  • xjw_b12

    XBEHERE. JWs kids and most of their parents, are the only people in the world who hate weekends.

    That should about sum it up!

  • mineralogist

    For me it was ok to go out, neither hot nor cold.

  • Jahna

    I loved the coffee breaks! The rest well good moments and bad.


  • desib77

    I only did it for the recognition in the cong. as someone who is there at ALL the field service meetings and because I wanted to be considered an "exemplarary young sister". Plus, I went out because my friends did and there was usually a brother or two, around my age, that I was fond of but since dating was a no no until ready for marraige my only hope to spend time with them was the possibility of them being in my car group.

    Now that I look back it seems very pathetic.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hated it

    door to door work in Canada sucks big time - sweltering humid heat in the summer and freezing cold in the winter - no one home so you are just knocking on empty homes and I never knew what to say. people really didn't want to see us at their doors

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    It was boring and totally heinous. I hard a real hard time answering any questions people would ask me, they would ask questions that showed they were thinking. And at the time, I couldn't think objectively about the religion. They would ask, "How do you know?" or "Why is it gods word?" or "What proof do you have?" or any number of thought provoking questions that would prompt the memorized answers to such questions. I would respond "Because it says so in such and such a scripture." or "Because we believe such and such dogma." or "If you have faith in god...". Sometimes even saying those weak and spoon-feed answered would leave me saying, "Does that even make any sense? Did I even answer their question?"

    Sweating from the heat of suit in the summer, packed in car like sardines, talking to people who just wanted to be left alone about a subject most thought childish. No doubt it gave me a bit of character and the strength to stand up to peers or adversity in general, but fun or even pleasant is not a term I would use to describe it most of the time. A few times we would have fun, but that was from just being around friends and having a good time. The field service part of it was always a drag.

    In short, Hate it.

  • maxwell

    I didn't like it, but it was something I had been doing all my life. I still remember ringing doorbells and placing my first magazines at the age of 8. So it was not something I really hated either. I just did it because I thought it had to be done. I also had the experience that sometimes it turned out to be a nice social activity as well.

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