When things started to "fall off"

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  • Monica


    The field service thing is what did it for me. After being inactive for about 6 mos, I attempted to go back to meetings and after about a week of attending, an elder approached me and spent about 1/2 hour chewing me out for being inactive and not turning in time. When he was chewing me out, I just kept thinking, "all he cares about is if I go out in service!". I realized he cared about nothing else. I just kept waiting for some encouraging words to kind of give me some boost, but it never happened. He then tried to set it up so that he could pick me up the following Saturday to go door knocking. That was it!! I told him no - that I would arrange it with a friend. I walked out that night knowing I would never go back and that Saturday I slept in till almost noon! I guess though, all of that was a blessing in disquise. I am soooo glad now that that happened! It was the final straw for me, which resulted in my freedom.


    You cracked me up!! You sound a lot like my brother. My brother would pretend to knock and ring the doorbell. He was really good at it! He also would not go through his practiced routine and when the door would open he'd hold up the mags and say, "would you like the latest copy of the Watchtower & Awake?" with a huge grin on his face! This would usually result in the door being slammed in our faces! I was so shocked the 1st time he did this, but the 2nd time, he actually sold them to an older guy who I think thought my bros presentation was quite hysterical!

  • patio34

    Comment, this is a good thread. It's an interesting point you bring out about never updating their methods.

    Seeker, what a concept! Putting the WT and Awake on the net every two weeks. Every newspaper and most magazines do this, so if the WTBS is really wanting to get the message out, why don't they do this??



  • esther

    I think that the main reason for d2d is to keep the dubs really busy. The JWs are supposed to be up-to-date with the mags and literature so that they can place them. So it was one way make sure that everyone read the literature. The way it was explained to me was that if you are giving out spiritually, you need to keep topping it up.

    Didn't work for me, though, because I pioneered for years, without reading the literature first. OOps, guess that is why I am here now.

    IMO, this is just part of the mind-control over the JWs.


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