Democrats Who Support Bush/Cheney ticket

by Double Edge 13 Replies latest social current

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Someone posted the topic about Republicans who are not supporting President Bush. I think in politics that is NOT unusual, people switching allegences. Here' s the other side of the coin....

  • bigboi

    I read today that the number of Dems who actually support Bush is far fewer than any Republican incumbent President before him.

    In one poll only 247 signed a petition showing they plan to vote for Bush. That's only a fraction of the 5,000 that signed back in Reagan's day.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I haven't seen any 15% numbers, that's for sure...

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    In 2000, 11% of registered Democrats voted for Bush...the number seems to be about the same this year, depending on where you poll... lotta Zell Millers out there.

    If 15% of Republicans do vote for Kerry, that's a 4% delta - I'll take that with a smile.

    Republicans against Bush

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Myself, I'm an Independent waiting to see how this campaign shakes out. Like most voters, I'll tune out until after the conventions. Rah, Rah, Blah, Blah, Blah on both sides...then the race begins. (Where's Perot when you need him...)

  • Farkel

    phantom stranger,

    I'm blown away that you could read such a website and not see so many glaring inconsistencies. I'm blown away that you even had the nerve to link to that nonsense on this site.

    : Are we serious about supporting a secular central government there? If not, we should pull out and let the chips settle where they will.

    How would you do it? How is "serious" about supporting a new government there to be defined? If "serious" is not defined, there can be no rational discussion. It's only hand-waving and hyperbole.

    If we were not "serious" about supporting a secular government there, we would have never stepped in to that situation, or at the very worst, we would have withdrawn after we decimated the Taliban.

    : Perhaps we can cut a deal with the Taliban - they can have a free hand, if they promise not to allow terrorist bases and training camps.

    Uh, what? Cut a deal with a fanatical Cult who was born, raised and lives on terrorism and violence, if they "promise" to be nice? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What planet was that moron author from.

    How can you possibly believe that idealistic crap?

    Fact: Osama bin Laden was personally responsible for blowing up the World Trade Center and killing almost 3,000 innocent people in New York City. He committed an act of WAR that killed more people than were killed at Pearl Harbor in 1941. Then there was the first World Trade Center bombing, then there was the Cole, then there was....(at least four or five more incidents that killed hundreds of Americans in the past).

    Fact: We asked the Taliban to turn him over to us for justice. They told us to go-to-hell.

    Fact: We attacked them as is only fair when they allowed an act of WAR to happen to us.

    Fact: We beat them, and we are rebuilding their Country to become a stable part of that region.

    Fact: In the last 2,000 years, NO one has ever conquered Afghanistan. We did it in a few weeks. We routed the Taliban, and YOU agree with that nitwit what we should return legitimacy to them after that?

    You do not negotiate with people or placate people who live and die to destroy us and our way of life. We are in a REAL WAR, and one does not win a REAL WAR by giving the enemy a chance to reclaim power we've taken from them.

    There are many, many more links just like these two, including links where the Taliban morons are holding up newly severed hands and feet from people who were simply thiefs. If you really want a dose of reality, I'll send you a link of the Taliban blowing a woman's brains out in a soccor field where children were forced to attend that grand occassion.

    I'm biting my lip here. I just want to state my own opinion, which is much different from yours.


  • talesin

    Statement of RAWA's anti-war demonstration in Islamabad

  • angelkins

    Back atcha Farkel. I don't think you are very informed either..

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Farkel, go breathe into a paper bag. As a mark of respect for Craig, I will not go into what I think of you or your silly rant.

    That link was every bit as "real" and "consistent" as the link at the beginning of this thread - a subtlety lost on you, for whom "subtle" apparently means insulting someone without talking about their mother. You think a site by "Democrats for Bush" really posts links to the Oliver North Show to reinforce its position?

    You know, there are several decaffeinnated brands on the market that are every bit as tasty as the real thing. Val Kilmer, Real Genius

  • logansrun

    Farkel? Rant? Never!

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