What if life is found on Mars

by gitasatsangha 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gitasatsangha

    Stuff like the Allen Hills meteor, and recent findgs from the Rovers like signs of water, and this:


    ..are starting to just possibly make me think that evidence for life (or past life) to be found on Mars at some point. If that's found, then it means that life evolving is not all that rare. How would such a finding affect fundamentalist Christians, and JWs?

  • Yerusalyim

    I hope life is found on Mars...that would be COOL!

  • missylissy

    i wouldnt feel so bad about sending my brother there, then at least he'd have some friends.


  • DanTheMan

    How I would welcome it. I don't think it would bring about an instant end to fundamentalism, but it would definitely be jarring to persons who are of that mindset.

  • Yerusalyim


    Which shows one can be a religious conservative and not be a fundamentalist...

  • Carmel

    And the difference Yeru is?????


  • ThiChi

    I love speculating, however, what if life is not found on Mars and "Life" is truly a miracle? (at least it is mathematically).

  • drwtsn32

    The only extraterrestrial life that would pose any sort of threat to fundamentalists would have to be "intelligent" life. Sure, there are probably some crazies out there that feel their religion would crumble even if a single bacterium is discovered on a distant planet, but most religious people wouldn't have a problem.

    If intelligent life is found elsewhere in the universe, fundamentalists would probably just say "God didn't give them souls" or "They're not God's chosen people" yadda yadda yadda.

    In any case I don't see finding life as being an end to religious fundamentalists.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think a person could be a fundamentalist even if intelligent life was found elsewhere in the universe.

    They could take the approach that the bible is the record of god's dealings with the intelligent life on earth - humans, and that there is no reason for it to apply to other planets. Such a person might argue that when adam and eve sinned, the earth was in effect quarantined from the rest of god's children...

    ...of course, since such contact would be made by "imperfect" men, the newly found alien would have to be apostate if it voluntarily contacted the quarantined planet Earth...

    so maybe an interalactic war would be justified?

    Please understand that this isn't what I believe, I'm just letting myself go into "spielberg mode"...

    By the way, if any of you Watchtower writers out there would like to use this as a framework for a new theology, please keep in mind that the idea is copyrighted by me on this day. I could be persuaded to license it, but it will cost you.

    "Behold! the brave new Jehovah sock puppet in his futuristic aluminum foil spacesuit!"

  • FirstInLine

    The Mormons already believe in life on other planets and they are very fundamentalist. Sorry I guess it wouldnt kill them all off if any.

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