Your favorite poems (or song lyrics)

by Love_Truth 17 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Love_Truth

    It would be interesting and insightful to have an idea of what poetry or song lyrics each of us feels to be the epitomy of the art, something that stirs us and has deep meaning. This is one of my (many) favorites:


    When you start on your journey to Ithaca,

    Then pray that that road is long,

    Full of adventure, full of knowledge,

    Do not fear the Lestrygonians

    And the Cyclops and the angry Poseidon.

    You will never meet such as these on your path,

    If your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine

    Emotion touches your body and your spirit,

    If your soul does not raise them up before you.

    Then pray that the road is long,

    That the summer mornings are many,

    That you will enter ports seen for the first time

    With such pleasure, with such joy!

    Stop at Phoenician markets,

    And purchase fine merchandise,

    Mother-of-pearl and corals, amber and ebony,

    And pleasurable perfumes of all kinds,

    Visit hosts of Egyptian cities,

    To learn and learn from those who have knowledge.

    Always keep Ithaca fixed in your mind.

    To arrive there is your ultimate goal.

    But do not hurry the voyage at all.

    It is better to let it last for long years;

    And even to anchor at the isle when you are old,

    Rich with all that you have gained along the way,

    Not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.

    Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.

    Without her you would never have taken the road.

    But she has nothing more to give you.

    And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not defrauded you.

    With the great wisdom you have gained, with so much experience,

    You must surely have understood by then what Ithacas mean

    -C.P. Cavafy

  • Gwydion

    And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    The Beatles song called The End on the Abbey Road album. It's short, It's sweet and it's to the point. Lyrics and a quote all in one.

  • Love_Truth
  • Love_Truth

    You ever see the SNL episode where Chris Farley is interviewing Paul McCartney and asks him if that staetment is true?? LMAO!!

  • Valis

    Prototype, by Outkast

    I hope that you're the one
    If not, you are the prototype
    We'll tiptoe to the sun
    And do thangs I know you like

    I think I'm in love again [repeat]

    [Verse 1]
    Today must be my lucky day
    Baby, you are the prototype
    Do sumn' outta the ordinary
    Like catch a manitee
    Baby you are the prototype
    I think I'm..


    [Verse 2]
    If we happen to part
    Lord knows I don't want that
    But hey, we can't be mad at God
    We met today for a reason
    I think I'm on the right track now


    The Scene
    Come here


    [Outro (ad libs)]
    Girl, right now I wanna say, I wanna say
    I wanna say stank you very much
    For picking me up
    And bringing me back to this world
    I can't, I'm not
    I can't afford to not record
    I thank I wanna say
    I thank I wanna say stank you, stank you
    Smelly much!
    For picking me up and bringing me back to this world
    Hey, hey John! Are we recording our ad libs?
    Really?? Were we recording just then?
    Let me hear that, that first one
    When I first started

  • Nosferatu

    Gotta be "Lost in America" by Alice Cooper.

    I can't get a girl
    cuz I ain't got a car
    I can't get a car
    cuz I ain't got a job
    I can't get a job
    cuz I ain't got a car
    So I'm looking for a girl with a job and a car
    Don't you know where you are

    Lost in America

    I got a mom but I ain't got a dad
    My dad's got a wife but she ain't my mom
    Mom's looking for a man to be my dad
    But I want my mom and dad to be my real
    mom and dad
    Is that so bad
    Oh, I think I've been had

    Lost in America

    Well, I live at the 7-11
    Well, I'm tryin' to play this guitar
    Well, I'm learning "Stairway to Heaven"
    Cuz Heaven's where you are

    I can't go to school
    cuz I ain't got a gun
    I ain't got a gun
    cuz I ain't got a job
    I ain't got a job
    cuz I can't go to school
    So I'm looking for a girl with a gun and a job
    Don't you know where you are

    Lost in America

  • Love_Truth

    Yeah, That's an oldie but a goodie. Been theer, done that- I can relate to all of it. Good one.

  • Love_Truth

    That's different- kinda silly, no?

  • talesin



    She's faced the hardest times you could imagine, And many times her eyes fought back the tears. And when her youthful world was about to fall in Each time her slender shoulders bore the weight of all her fears, and her sorrow no one hears, still rings in midnight silence, in her ears... Let her cry, for she's a Lady Let her dream, for she's a Child Let the rain fall down upon her She's a free and gentle flower, growing wild. And if by chance, I should hold her, Let me hold her for a time; But if allowed just one posession, I would pick her from the garden, to be mine. Be careful how you touch her, for she will waken; and sleep's the only freedom that she knows. And when you walk into her eyes, you won't believe; The way she's always payin' for a debt she never owed, and the silent wind still blows, that only she can hear, And so, she goes. Let her cry, for she's a Lady Let her dream, for she's a Child Let the rain fall down upon her She's a free and gentle flower, growing wild

    my favorite song lyric since I was about 13


  • Love_Truth

    I remember that one, too. That's another good one.

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