Although you left the JW's...What JW beliefs do you still hold on to?

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    Little Toe,

    Did I write to cryptic? The Bible is an instruction book as to how to treat children correctly. Some dubs don't do that and are covered over by the WT. They miss the points in the scriptures and make their own guidelines.


  • LittleToe

    PuterNut:Far too cryptic, for me, I'm afraid.
    It looked like you were stating that the bible is "Child Abuse for Dummies".

  • Matty

    I still consider myself an internationalist. I believe that people are people wherever they come from and no race or country is superior to another. Jehovah's Witnesses purportedly are internationalists, although in practice they are generally prone to the kind of prejudices and bigotry that are common outside ?the truth?.

  • Trailblazer

    Elsewhere, I agree with you in that I find myself debating the JW belief as compared to other christian belief.... I myself do not practice any religion and don't believe the bible is inspired and as to wether god exists....... if he does I'd say we're not getting along.

  • simplesally

    Sassy and virgin in the same sentence..............hmmmmmmmmmmm

  • LittleToe

    Sally, it has a ring to it, doesn't it?

  • Puternut

    Little Toe,

    I am harmless really, here have a drink on me. Two?

  • heathen

    I still believe that religion is a snare and a racket . False religion is the whore of babylon , the beast in revelation is the UN and the lamb beast is the US and britain . I believe the world will meet it's maker eventually and that there is no particular date set for it . I believe the bible to be the inspired word of God . I believe that demons control the worlds political scene . I guess that about covers it.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I beleive that a woman should be put on a pedestal... high enough so that you can see up her dress.

    (Steve Martin)

    I think that most of the Judeo-Christian basics (thou shalt not kill, don't covet your neighbor's wife's ass, do unto others, etc.) are probably carried over. Are you referring to things that are uniquely JW?

    For example, the JW's taught me that it's best to not let the sun set with a disagreement with my "brother". Whether individuals were good at practicing this or not, it's pretty good advice that I try to follow. But it's not some wacko theology they made up - it's straight outta the bible (wacko theology someone else made up, I admit).

    Sounds like this question would cover all those here who like the theology and dislike the organizational bent.

  • Huxley

    I still hold to the Witness belief in short hair.(for me)

    Yes I can say that I have decided to 'stand firm' in my faith in short hair. (again for me.)


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