Two years later......

by flower 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    Someone said something recently that reminded me of a post I made just after discovering this board and the 'truth' about the jw's. In fact, it was two years ago this weekend that I posted this

    The thread sparked some very interesting conversations, at least in my opinion and it also was the day reality really hit me hard. I was much more nieve and immature than I ever thought and some of my comments in that and other threads I am somewhat embarrassed to have made. But looking back at some of those posts, besides the fact that I was such a dork back then I also learned a lot from opening my mind to what other people were saying even though I didnt agree.

    So two years, lots of bible reading, and endless hours of conversations with Christian after making some of those crazy off-the-wall comments I'm still a dork , but I am also a completely different person with a much different view.

    I have to thank JWD and everyone here who makes lifes crazy journey a little bit easier just by sharing their thoughts.

    much love ,


  • imallgrowedup


    JWD is a much better place just because you are here! Happy two-year anniversary!


    P.S. You are not alone - I've said some pretty "dorky" things, too. But I would never dare to use Yeru's smiley! You're in big trouble, girlfriend, if he finds out....!

    *saying silent prayer for flower*!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Hi Flower.... I remember when you first started posting. We had a few 'exchanges' (hehe).. Isn't it great to be a couple years more down the road to see how our prespectives change.... such is life. Take care...

    Double Edge

  • Love_Truth

    NO ONE but God can PROVE thee is or is not a God, a Creator, etc.

    You choose to believe one or the other based on your experiences and observations.

    I choose to Believe because I see creation, I see the beauty of it, and I feel the "ring of truth" in his word the Bible.

    If there is no God, or other gods, you, out of free will, have the right to choose. Make your decision wisely- it may be the difference between life and death.

    I will ALWAYS believe.

  • Valis

    Hiya Fluer...time flies huh? I remember you were having quite a hard time back in the day, but its good to see your smiling Avatar these days and that you got to go to an Apostafest! w00t! w00t!


    District Overbeer

  • Joyzabel

    WOW (((Flower)))

    has it been 2 years?

    I remember when I first came, about the same time as you, and people were saying "give yourself time, about 2 years to get over the JW mindset". All I can say is yes, they were right. LOL

    Life goes on and what an intersting journey our lives how have.

    Good to see ya again.


  • Billygoat
    I remember when I first came, about the same time as you, and people were saying "give yourself time, about 2 years to get over the JW mindset". All I can say is yes, they were right. LOL

    Good grief I'm a slow learner. It's taken me WAAAY more than 2 years. It's taken me longer than that to just not be pissed all the time. LOL!

  • flower

    Double edge, lol thats ok i've had some 'disagreements' with many. Its all good!

    Lovetruth, its all good ;).

    valis, yea but I didnt make it to texas yet..thats my one goal in life ;)

    Good to see you too Joy! Its been a while. I wiss I could express how grateful I am to you for all you did for me when I was in that dazed and crazed state of mind lol.

    Billy Goat, oh I am by no means done with my journey but I've come a long way baby ;). It does take a long time to get over the hurt.

  • Joyzabel

    love your avitar of you and your son! looking goooooood.

  • Robdar

    Wow, Flower, has it been 2 years? I am glad that you are still around.

    Much love to you too.


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