Is a porn star a movie star?

by spiritwalker 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • spiritwalker

    I worked in the cable industry for awhile and each year we would go to a convention in which stations would promote themselves to keep our business. In doing this, there were always the adult channels represented, as well.

    While I walked the floor and met people from Showtime, HBO and other stations. It was never hard to figure out where the adult channels were, as these were the most crowded and had the most people taking pictures with the actresses and actors that worked them. In so doing, year after year I actually got a kick out of meeting these woman and talking to them. You would think they would the most whore type people you would imagine and nothing but filth. Yet that was not the case and often they had a fan base of men that were business men and very level headed people.

    What I was wondering, after seeing how much people lavished attention on these woman. Can they be considered a movie star in the same ranking of popularity of the Meg Ryan's, or Julia Roberts? Not that they are winning Oscars or Emmy's, but they were very popular and you would be surprised at how many people who claim to not know porn, knew who Ginger Lynn was or Ron Jeremy. Interesting, how we will not admit something that we know we all do.

    What do you think, are they all just sluts and whores, or do they deserve a respect of the "movie star" title.

  • bisous

    Don't think they are movie stars,

    but some of must really have to know how to Act...

    Act excited

    Act interested

    Act aroused

    Act unashamed (oh that's after they leave the set)

    I know this sounds somewhat judgemental.....but this is one profession I just don't really get

  • BeautifulGarbage
    What do you think, are they all just sluts and whores, or do they deserve a respect of the "movie star" title

    They're all disgusting filth, I tell ya!

    (kicks the porn stash under the desk)

  • dustyb

    hell ya they are movie stars!! they are the best movie stars in the world. without ron jeremy, who would the little 12 year old make his role model, tom cruise? without Jenna Jameson, who would the 13 year old nerds whack it to?? =P

  • bikerchic

    Well I guess they act, badly!

    Not sure I would place them with "real" actors, I mean heck anyone can grunt, moan and make funny faces but Meg Ryan put them all to shame in "When Harry Met Sally" IMHO.


  • bisous

    Kate, I knew we'd have stuff in common...Harry and Sally one of my faves!!

  • Purple

    The answer to your question lies in the enlightenment that is the movie "The Guru". Watch and the answer shall reveal itself in the form of Heather Graham answering that question. You shall also be entertained, delighted and you too will find yourself opening up your rosebud and removing your skin that is the mask we all wear............delight to the experience and you will never think of any billy joel song in quite the same way again.............

  • Abaddon

    I think it depends on the ratio of dialogue to oral...

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Seen my fair share of porn flicks in my time. That said, while they may be "acting", that?s true, this is not an art form. Being able to completely cause an audience to their suspend disbelief in the process of becoming a character in a play or a movie takes real talent and training. What folks do in porn films is not the true art form of acting. No one is really moved by such a performance (well, except in specific body regions. Smile) No, they aren?t to grouped (so to speak) with folks like Bogart, or Stewart, or Hepburn. They?re porn stars and they do what they do well, but I don?t think that pretending to enjoy getting laid makes you an actor, sorry. If this were the case we should probably start handing out Oscars to half of the married women out there. Smile.

  • Carmel

    HOw do you think the "real movie stars" get their parts? Because its not on camera makes the difference?


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