I'm not religious I'm spiritual?

by Joliette 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Definition of spiritual in the Webster's Dictionary : " 1. Of the spirit or the soul as distinguished from the body or material matters 2. of, from, or concerned with the intellect ; intellectual 3. of or consisting of spirit ; not corporeal 4. characterized by the ascendancy of the spirit ; showing much refinement of thought and feeling 5. of religion or the church ; sacred, devotional, or ecclesiastical ; not lay or temporal 6. spiritualistic or supernatural - n. 1. any of a type of American folk hymn ; any of such songs originating among U.S. blacks in the 18th and 19th centuries combining African and European musical elements 2. religious or church matters. "

    So definitely spirituality covers a large brushstroke for different people . Personally I'm like you Joliette- I consider myself a humanist who gets " spiritual " feelings from doing OTHER things that are not religious. Like enjoying the company of close friends . I feel " spiritual " when I play music , write songs, or just practice guitar on my deck looking out over the forest and canyons . I feel a " spirituality " well up in me when I walk in meadows, near rivers, lakes, and remote mountain canyons as it helps a person think deeply using their " refinement of thought and feeling " mentioned in definition # 4.

    I'm definitely NOT religious in any sense of the word - but feel I can be spiritual in an assortment of ways ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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