by bj 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    Hey Farkel,

    Hope your doing well these days.

    You said:> "Camels were created because a committee was chosen to design a horse. But that's another story."


    Now please, don't keep us in suspense!


  • sf

    Yes COMF!! Brilliant comedy there. I am in tears. I agree with Seeker, executed very well!

    Thanx for the therapy, sKally

  • bj

    Thanks Maximus and Machislopp. Your comments are much appreciated.

    1. Anybody know who's the oldest and youngest from them three?
    2. What education level they received?
    3. From which part of the States are they?
    4. Are they married?
    5. Is there any young related Adams at the Bethel?

  • Tanalyst

    Don was my new-boy instuctor 20 yr. ago. He was aloof but polite.Lived on the same floor with him and his wife in 107 Bldg. rode the elevator together."How are you? Fine" That's what are conversations were every day.He was Knorr's secretary at the time.Both he and his wife were very private.

  • heathen

    comf you've done it again lol.all that needed was
    Boris Valejo pictures.Hope you have an entire
    season ready .Maybe we can get jim carey to play
    agent 86 in the movie.
    heathens have more fun

  • bj

    Tanalyst, what's the name of Don's wife?

    Does somebody know what is the favourite subject (or what he liked to speak about) of Don?

  • JT

    bj asked:

    JT, what can you say more about Don? Was he kind or dominering?


    you was never a hard or ego type bro- but he was a TRUE Society Man in the full sense of the word

    he never did or said anything that could not be backed up by a Society letter or Reference- never gave his views on mattters it was always "The Society says"
    he has almost 60 years at THE HOUSE so he is truly dyed in the wool


  • JT

    Maximus says:

    And JT, I was delighted to see your posts. I hope your very beautiful family is well and thriving. You've certainly healed well.


    Hey man it is good to hear from you again- it has been awhile - we need to touchbase again

    email me if you get the chance i lost your email address in my old harddrive when it crashed

    [email protected]


    talk to you later

  • bj

    James, thanks once again. I appreciate very much sincer comments from ex Bethelites who worked with these people. It helps to give a true picture of the person as both sides have to be mentioned.
    Any body remember the name of his wife?
    Does he speak other languages?

    Come on boys, help me to know more about Mr.President.

  • Tanalyst


    I forgot her name, she was more reserved than he was.

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