I have changed a bit

by Lee Marsh 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    Nice to see you Lee. So glad treatment is working.

    Thank you also for your support and assistance for the community. There are so many issues coming from a high control group such as JW's...***sigh***

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I just want to say something. All you fine people who ''woken'' up prior to the internet age, you are all 'pioneers'. Yes, you are 'pioneers' to the TTATT.

    Like Elaine from JWEscape, David and Vivian Aspinall, David A Reed just to name a few off the top of my head.

    God Bless you all For potentially sparing generations of children being raised as JW children with stifled character and potential skills. Not to mention those dreadful big 'A' nightmares.

    Hats off to you all!!!!

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    Thank Dagney

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    Beth Sarim

    Many of the people who initially came to this site from a couple of others were part of those early "pioneers" who dared to asked the hard questions and looked diligently for real answers.

    And they found them.

    And then they shared them.

    And here we are.

  • Ding

    How is Randy Watters doing these days, Lee?

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    I haven’t heard from him in a while so I really don’t know

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Randy Walters?? Do you mean him?

  • Ding

    No, Randy Watters who's an ex-Bethelite.

    He founded Bethel Ministries, which became Free Minds.

  • Dagney

    Ding - I think the last I heard from him was last year. The home in Manhattan Beach where he lived for so long was finally sold, and he relocated to Texas. I checked his FB and I don't see any activity. He started a chat in messenger last summer but I was involved with a horrific family tragedy and was not communicating with anybody.

    I know Bill Bowen was in touch with him for awhile, I'm not sure where he is at the moment.

    Randy was one of the first persons I met from this board. He provided information for so many to take a critical look at the WT. I hope he is doing well.

  • just fine
    just fine

    You look beautiful. You were here when I joined this site so many years ago.

    I hope your positive attitude helps in your fight. ❤️

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