San Diego: Osbaldo Padron v Watchtower

by wifibandit 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Hey I wonder what the WT's stipulated worth is?

    Having determined that the superior court had the authority to issue the subject
    monetary sanctions, we summarily reject Watchtower's other attacks on the court's
    authority. Considering Watchtower's stipulated net worth, we do not conclude the
    amount of the sanctions was harsh or intended to punish Watchtower. To the contrary, it
    appears the court tried to select an amount that would successfully motivate Watchtower.
    Additionally, we are not persuaded that the sanctions were improper because they
    concern some future potential conduct. The sanctions properly apply to Watchtower's
    current conduct, i.e., refusing to comply with a valid discovery order.
  • John Davis
    John Davis

    The court of appeals has issued the remittitur today in this case. That is the official paperwork to send the case back down to the lower trial court.

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