Literature being discontinued, including Isaiah's Prophecy and Reasoning book

by Richard_I 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    d4g: It's called revisionist history, and the WT, as well as all authoritarian regimes are masters at it.

    “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984

  • WingCommander
    The Reasoning Book "discontinued".......I never thought I'd see the day. Then again, I never thought I'd be pushing 40 in this "System of Things", either. What a freakin' con.
  • Naoscillator

    It's about time they put the reasoning book out of our misery. A JW can't use it anymore without knowing which parts to disregard as old light. Which renders it pretty useless for representing the "correct" way to "reason" on the scriptures.

    As for the Isaiah book, just the other day I pointed to the one left in stock at the KH and told the brother working literature that we would definitely never study it again. He seemed surprised to hear such a prediction.

    On the other "hand", the Revelation Climax book is currently being studied in the School for kingdom evangelizers as if it were a genuine resource for deep bible study in 2015. Of course the point of such schools are hardly to produce Bible scholars.

  • Crazyguy
    This religion has gone simpleton, member will just hand out tracks and stand by carts. Everything said at the hall will be a bunch of mumble jumble. Just like Jesus the Bible will be used in name only and of course they can change the Bible more anytime they want to say what they want and the rank and file will eat it up. In the end this religion has become much to do about nothing, because the more they say the more their proven wrong.
  • SAHS

    “LoveUniHateExams”: “And while we're at it, what about the ghastly Revelation Climax book? Or has the WT already discontinued that one?”

    Good catch! Don’t forget those detailed, comprehensive lists of changes to the Revelation Climax! book updating all those paragraphs to be updated. I guess the one-and-only representative/mouthpiece for the Almighty God failed to get any of that right.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Crazyguy: "Just like Jesus the Bible will be used in name only and of course they can change the Bible more anytime they want to say what they want and the rank and file will eat it up."

    Speaking of which, I've noticed that since Watchtower introduced the read scripture citations in the literature, less scriptures are being read at JW question and answer study sessions. It seems that many conductors are interpreting the presence of the read scriptures as being indicative that only those scriptures need to be read.

    In the past, before the advent of read scriptures, conductors used to have more scriptures read during question and answer sessions.

    But to stay on topic I think the Daniel Prophecy book is worse than the Isaiah books. And the reasoning book? The reasoning book reeks of the same kind of disingenuous PR spinning that guilty politicians use to save face in the eyes of the public during a scandal. It is not a christian publication. It is corporate public relations publication to spin JW beliefs and practices in a palatable way to the public, complete with false analogies, logical fallacies, dishonest definitions and cherry-picked information.

  • ttdtt

    I hate the term "Read" Scripture - I find it annoying and somehow condescending.

    By the way those books are off the JWorg site - not downloadable any more.

  • kramer

    d4g: It's called revisionist history, and the WT, as well as all authoritarian regimes are masters at it.

    “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”― George Orwell, 1984>>

    No, it's not revisionist history it's stopping printing certain old books.

    if it was revisionist they would tell everyone to destroy everything over 10 years old, then say 'we have always believed x y or z '

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    god that fucking isaiah book. every. single. chapter. had the same fulfillment. it was a goddamn broken record.

    It makes me angry when I think of the nice summer evenings I spent sitting in a stuffy "Book Study" with my wife and 2 little boys wearing a tie, trying to make sense of this material time and time again instead of spending it out at the lake or teaching them to play makes me sick. Now they simply dismiss it all as if it never existed. At one time, they indicated that your life depended upon being at the "Book Study" learning this stuff. The name "Book Study" instead of "Bible Study"should have been a telltale sign that I was following a printing/publishing company and I was no more than another customer who they wanted to keep on purchasing their products....why didn't I see it ?

  • Finkelstein

    I can understand why the WTS wouldn't want a lot of its old publications around , they are full of contrived concocted bullshit.

    Out with the old bullshit , in with the new bullshit

    This spiritual food at the proper time sure is yumming, well for a little while at least.

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