Why aren't the JDubs receiving more bad publicity concerning the abuse cover-ups?

by Sour Grapes 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    I know that the JDubs think that they are the center of the universe and in actuality, no one except ex-JDubs gives a rats ass about these religious crazies. My question is I read that as a percentage of pedophiles per members, that the percentage is larger in the Watchtower Company than in the Catholic Church. I would think that would catch someones attention in the media and make a good story.

    What really pisses me off is the Watchtower Cult is gloating about all of the negative press the Catholics are receiving concerning pedophiles not even knowing that the JDubs have thousands of sexual abuse cases that have been covered over. If there were two articles about sexual abuse in the same paper concerning pedophiles in the Catholic Church and in the Watchtower Company, the JDubs would believe the information about the Catholics and say the information about the JDubs is false propaganda put out by Satan and his demunz.

    It is almost like the 8 Popes are Teflon coated.

  • wallsofjericho

    You answered your own question....

    nobody cares

  • waton

    It is not teflon, it is the numbers. Compared to the going - ons in the Catholic celibate priesthood, the contemptuous sexual exploitation of thousands by import religionist in the UK, The tragedy of the 10 000s Rohingya rape pregnancy births ---wt child rapes are at a much lower ratio, of an already smaller portion of the population.

  • nonjwspouse
  • Freedom rocks
    Freedom rocks

    Sourgrapes do you think if you got in touch with the media and informed them with facts that they'd write a story?

    I didn't believe Any media about jws when I was pimi, now I'm not so naive.

  • Doubter

    I’m pretty sure that if you provide them facts that these “thousands of cases” aren’t some fictitious number, they will be more than happy to report on it.

    No reason for them to ignore that in favor of a handful of protestors picketing a convention.

  • Vidiot
    Sour Grapes - "...If there were two articles about sexual abuse in the same paper concerning pedophiles in the Catholic Church and in the Watchtower Company, the JDubs would believe the information about the Catholics and say the information about the JDubs is false propaganda put out by Satan and his demunz."

    Looking back, I think realizing that was one of my little wake-up moments...

    ...that it's simply not empirically possible for all bad news you don't like to be false.

    By sheer mathematical probability, some of it has to be true.

    Refusing to accept information simply because it's uncomfortable or because it calls your worldview into question is, therefore, willful stupidity.

  • steve2

    Sour grapes answers his own question in his opening sentence. Talk about asking and answering in one hit - and thus rendering a thread redundant.

  • smiddy3

    Jehovah`s Witnesses are just a small insignificant "weird" sect that have no influence in the real world of governance and politics which they shun.

    The Catholic church and its members however are a different kettle of fish.They are a major religion that has over a billion followers that are engaged in governance and politics and business and have huge a voting power in the community.

    Jehovah`s Witnesses are therefore a drop in the bucket of water compared to the Catholics.... Irrelevant ..

    For Doubter

    The ARC provided more than a thousand such cases of child sexual abuse within the Jehovah`s Witness religion over a number of years ,none of which were reported to the appropriate authorities by any of the 3 Elders that handle one J.C. let alone more than 1000 J.C. which relates to more than 3,000 Elders who were complicit in hiding the crime of sexual abuse of a minor from the authorities .

    These men should have the book thrown at them for failing duty of care of minors in the Jehovah`s Witness religion.

  • cobweb

    This is a good article in the Guardian today that deals with abuse in religion generally. It deals mostly with Catholics but mentions others including Jehovah's Witnesses. The JW religion may be fairly insignificant but exposure means that they are getting lumped in when abuse is written about.

    The culture of respect for religion has gone too far


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