Did the Circut overseer ever scare you as a kid?

by Singing Man 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    When I was real young, 6-8, I remember the CO being a really funny, friendly guy that everyboyd loved. I actually looked forward to the CO because he knew how to speak. He made it interesting and told great stories. The local elders were boring, dull and unimaginative. The next CO was almost as good. By the time I was in my teens, the COs were not as friendly, from the stage or in person. I wasn't scared of them, but I was apprehensvie in having to go out in service with them or converse with them. By my 20s, they were pretty much run of the mill. More personality than the most of the elders, but there was an air of arrogance or superiority or something that kept me from really trusting them. From my 30s on up, I have neither liked or trusted any of them. They were like a company watchdog coming in from corporate to give pep talks and check on profits, er, progress of the local company, er, congregation.

  • Euphemism

    I remember one CO... Thomas Knack. (A German missionary in Spain.) I was maybe around 10 or so when he started serving our circuit. He was an asshole of the first order. He was very tall and physically imposing, and very brusque. (He actually had a dry wit, although few people got it. I didn't either, until I heard my parents talking about him.) At the time I thought his talks were very good, but they were all entirely and completely guilt-based.

    My main memory of him was when he came to our house for lunch; he ordered my brother and me about to fetch stuff for him without so much as a 'please' or a 'thank you.'

    In retrospect, however, I feel a little sorry for him, because he described what his upbringing 'in the truth' had been like. He told how his mom had been studying the "Let God Be True" book with him, and they were stuck on some chapter that he just couldn't understand. After going over the material a couple of studies, he still didn't get it; so the next study, his mom brought a switch out; she said nothing, just set it down and started the study. And he knew that if he didn't pretend to understand the material, he'd be beaten.

    I can understand how an upbringing like that would produce an asshole like him.

  • blondie

    Euph, it's hard to think of a CO having had or having a mother. So few talk about their families.


  • Spudinator


    Was your CO's last name Bennett by any chance?

  • logansrun


  • seattleniceguy

    COs are almost always scary! That's why congregations go nuts when the CO lottery gives them a nice one.

    But if you think COs are bad...check out the DOs. Dude. I gave the Bible reading at the circuit assembly almost exactly one year ago, and I've gotta tell you, that DO was one bad mutha...er hem. Well, let me just say that he never even thought about cracking a smile, looked constantly displeased, and had the elders and CO cowering in fear.


  • blondie
    Was your CO's last name Bennett by any chance?

    No, it wasn't Spud. Does that mean there are 2 terminators?

    Blondie (still trying to fade)

  • Spudinator

    Maybe, from what I hear.

  • Elsewhere

    With my Elder dad and Anointed mother, the CO's and DO's almost always came to our house.

    I never really thought much of their presence. I guess it's because it was "normal" to me. Every time they were in town, it was assumed that I would eat with them, visit with them, and go out in FS with them. No big deal.

    lol... hell... sometimes I would even fuss at them. Once when we were all out in FS I was listening to Rush Limbaugh and he started to describe something that a political opponent was doing. The CO's wife happened to catch the tail end of what he was saying, and thought that Rush was stating his own opinion and she got all bent out of shape saying that this is why she hates Rush Limbaugh. I immediately spoke up and corrected her, saying that Rush agreed with her and that he was criticizing someone else.

    You should have seen the look on her face... classic!

  • Euphemism
    But if you think COs are bad...check out the DOs. Dude. I gave the Bible reading at the circuit assembly almost exactly one year ago, and I've gotta tell you, that DO was one bad mutha...er hem.

    LOL You're right, SNG! I think it's because they were all recruited in the Knorr era. They seem to not know how to do anything other than criticize.

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