Spankings at the hall.

by avishai 61 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • avishai
    . But it wasn't really abuse. And we WERE acting up

    It may not have been abuse. But do you have small children? Making them sit still and quiet for two hours alone is abuse, if you ask me!

  • Puternut

    Not only were spankings annoying at the hall for others to listen to, while the meeting was in progress, but it usually didn't stop there. Some kids were required to answer at least twice during the meeting, or else they would be getting it at home. And if they didn't pay proper attention at the long assemblies, then there would be no swimming at the pool that evening. And if their WT wasn't prepared thouroughly, they would get no lunch until they had gone back and restudy the articles. So is this child abuse to the inth degree?

    You be the judge.

  • Sassy

    Yes.. I remember growing up with all that.............

    AND when I was married to my first husband and he really beat those kids the way he spanked them.. Usually if I could interfere and take them in the back first, I could avoid it..

    but then we got counciled by the elders that I shouldn't be the one doing it..........

    so it was back to him doing it........and I would shudder and die inside as I heard my kids being spanked so hard I knew he was leaving marks..

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Not that the brother would ever do this at the hall, but I knew a future elder (m.s.. at the time) who would beat his kids with a rubber hose. Too bad the oldest lied when confronted by school officials. Trust me I would have turned the moron in if I knew at the time.

  • dh

    i know an elder who told me that he hated when kids were undisciplined and parents let them cry in meetings, or be noisy, he told me about the time he got up in the middle of one meeting and took someone elses kid out back and belted them to teach them some discipline.

  • unbeliever

    There is this one woman at my old KH that likes to whip other peoples kids. She even hit me as a child in FS because I spilled some pop on my dress. When my mom confronted her the bitch denied it. grrrr Her own grandchildren won't go near her. She once made the huge mistake of smacking one of my neices for not being still at the KH. I did not find out about it till 2 years after it happened. Mom claims she did not know it happened. She must be deaf/blind/stupid because my neice told me mom was sitting right beside her. I only found out because my neice told me in a casual conversation.

    The anger that went thru me. OMG I will never forget it. I went to my mom's looked at her address book and found out where she lived. I went to her apartment and cussed the bitch out. I wanted to beat her ass but she was not worth the $185 fine and anger management classes I would have to attend. I said what I wanted to say at her door. Of course she quickly closed the door after my barage of curse words and threatened to call the police. A year after that happened I ran into her at the grocery store and I cussed her out again. You know my dub mom did not say one word to me either time about cussing her out. I know she heard about it. Just thinking about that bitch pisses me off!!!

  • smurfette

    ((Debradoll)) Your dad sounds just like one of my best friends stepdad's. I hope he's in jail too!

    My brother and I were of the hauled to the basement of the hall and beaten with a wooden spoon class. My brother was constantly being grabbed by various Elders who felt my mom's beatings weren't forceful enough to get through to him. Probably because at a really young age, about 4 or 5, he started taunting her every time she'd spank him. "Is that all you've got?" "You can't hurt me!" and he had a horrible maniacal laugh to go with the taunting. He used to fight back with all he had every time too. You'd think that would have sent the message that maybe beating him wasn't the answer. One elder in particular wouldn't just spank him, but would all out beat him.

  • Gadget
    I once took a wooden spoon away from a sister using it on her child's bare bottom, full of bruises. I broke the spoon and handed it back to her.

    My mam used to break the spoon from the force of her blows, but that didn't hurt as much as the things she used to say, that I disgusted her by being so naughty, and to get away from her because she hates disgusting people.

  • Special K
    Special K

    This is another one of the reason (on the big pile) why I stopped taking my young children to the Kingdom Hall.

    I couldn't stand the parents always slapping, spanking and hitting their kids..

    and I wasn't going to do that to mine.



    Special K

  • freedom96

    At least "regular" type churches many times have a Sunday school program that is catered to that particular age group.

    It really doesn't make sense to try to make small children sit at attention for a couple of hours, or longer at assemblies when in fact the adults usually don't understand what is being taught either.

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