1975 selling of houses

by Paul Bonanno 68 Replies latest jw friends


    I was baptized in 1974 at the age of 14. The approaching end of the system was near. Watchtower articles, talks, assemblies and literature about 1975 were in a frenzy. Field service was at an all time high!

    There was one brother who owned a small hot dog/beef stand who sold his business and pioneered. 1975 came and went. He quit attending meetings after the ''new system'' failed to appear.

    After 1975, the Watchtower Society blamed its debacle on its members for reading into things, and not the Society for the NON-stop pounding of the ''nearness of Jehovah's day.''


    Clearly, Jesus was concerned that his followers too could become distracted by Satan's world, even to the point that they might "return to the things behind." (Luke 17:22, 31) And, indeed, this has happened to some Christians. For years such ones longed for the day when Jehovah will put an end to this wicked world. However, when Armageddon did not occur by the time they expected, ` they became disheartened. Their confidence in the nearness of Jehovah's day of judgment faded. They slowed down in the ministry and gradually became so involved in the mundane matters of life that little time was left for spiritual matters. (Luke 8:11, 13, 14) In time, they `returned to the things behind'--how sad!
  • Biahi

    I’ve mentioned d this before, but I was at the district assembly in summer of 1976, in Chicago. Fred Franz was there to give a talk. He shook his finger at the audience and said that nothing happened in 1975 because “You wanted something to happen.” I remember thinking that he was a f**king liar. I wanted out so bad, I was only 16 then. 😕


    I’ve mentioned d this before, but I was at the district assembly in summer of 1976, in Chicago. Fred Franz was there to give a talk. He shook his finger at the audience and said that nothing happened in 1975 because “You wanted something to happen.”

    Fred Franz Speech on 1975


  • Diogenesister

    Too young to be aware of what was going on but I'm sure those closest to me were baptised on the back of it.

    It's just disgusting that the idiot responsible was allowed to be president/a member of the GB. Did no one ever raise the fact he couldn't have had the holy spirit or that maybe he wasn't 'anointed' after all?😒

    R & R Fred Franz was there to give a talk. He shook his finger at the audience and said that nothing happened in 1975 because “You wanted something to happen.”

    My goodness what a narcissist. Just cannot say "I'm sorry", can he?!!!

  • Rivergang

    To be honest, I know of only two families who sold up before 1975. Both invested in what we know as a “caravan”, but others may know as a “house trailer”. Both then went on some semi-nomadic journey to where the “need” was supposedly greater - but the location was in fact viewed as a rather comfortable place to live.

    However - the novelty soon wore off once the Southern Winter set in! Also, one family received a further hurry-along once the local council found them to be living in insanitary conditions.

    Far more notable is the number it those who were put off buying a house “because the end was so near.”

    In their cases, the failed expectations of 1975 coincided with a quantum-leap in the price of houses. Many who could have easily afforded to purchase their own home before 1975 found themselves locked out of the market afterwards.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I know two families who sold up and lived in buses so that they could tour New Zealand and participate in the final push before Armageddon. They would have all worn the Conquer the World badge at that assembly, as I would have. The last of one couple had their funeral a few weeks ago. The other couple still live in a bus.

    I knew people that bought a lot of expensive stuff on the 'never never' because Armageddon was to arrive before they had to pay it off. I could name them, but it's probably not ok. The ones who are still alive know who they are.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I know many families who altered their lifestyle because of Watchtower's 1975 blunder. One family in particular...the husband/elder quit his good paying job...he & wife turned in applications to regular pioneer...sold their nice home...moved family to need was greater area...last I heard husband & wife separated...lived miserable lives...both have died penny-less...and remaining grown/adult children are knucklehead low hour JWs!

  • FedUpJW

    Do you know about specific cases that are willing to share their experience of doing so?

    I do not know of many who sold things to prove how "spiritual" they were. I do know personally of quite a number on the other side of the coin that went wild spending money like there was no tomorrow and accumulated crushing debt, with low or no income, because the end was going to come in 1975 and they would not have to pay it back. New cars, new homes, fancy jewelry and clothes, you name it they bought it. Then when 1975 came and went, and the debts came due they had no income to pay it, no hopes a decent job to provide income to pay the debt because they also foolishly bought into the "You don't need and education" B.S. And now they are in their seventies or older and still grubbing out a meager living with failing health and no chance of ever having anything different.

    I have ZERO pity for them!

  • FedUpJW

    I also heard the remark about ‘putting too much stock in 1975’ over the years by some older JWs.

    My parents were ones who even though what may have been termed "spiritually strong" were always cautioning the 75'ers to not place stock in 1975. They kept telling them that "no one knows the day or hour." They taught me to work hard, save money, and invest wisely for the future. They were very generous to those that had true need, but also not afraid to tell the users and professional lazy to "pound sand". They had no money to give to those that counted on 1975 to get them out of debt. The only thing they had for the disappointed 75'ers was a blunt, "We told you so!"

  • waton

    "It will come in a time, that you will not think it will come" or words to that effect.

    wt writers thought that it would be "appropriate" to come in 1975. and published that. so,

    at least three build cheap "will last to 75" houses, cash in hand, on the upward trend ever since.

    you need to be marked a false prophet only once.

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