were there any psychopaths in your congregation?

by badboy 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    Eric,ho really, did this person blieve those wild west comics.

    R they saying that b/c the mentally ill R joining,it is a sign of the end times.

  • UpAndAtom
    Believe me, if your life gets entangled with a real sociopath/psychopath, it will not be easy to spot them. They can be very personable, intelligent, charming until the knife figuratively goes into your back.


    I've got to agree with Blondie on this one. Having a screwed up cognition process, coupled with irrational thoughts and major behavioural problems can actually be very far from psychotic or schizophrenia (although it certainly isn't healthy). Let's try to keep some perspective, lest we let a true psychotic into our homes. They are MUCH harder to spot than a hard core Jehovah's Witness that is just screwed up! I don't like it when other people on this board get so frustrated with certain individuals that they label them incorrectly. By and large the JW's are pleasant loving people compared to a psychopath or person with full-blown schizophrenia.

  • Sunnygal41

    We had some real loons in our KH. However, I think the one that fits your description most was this creepy guy that was dismissed from his job for sexually assaulting a coworker. Also, he eventually married, and ended up losing it. He attacked his wife, tied her up and raped her, among other things. I only know a tiny bit because it was kept pretty hush hush in the cong. I wasn't part of the in crowd who gathered around the wife and stayed with her till she got better.........the husband did time in prison from what I remember. All I know is the first time I met him, I thought he was very strange..........he just made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.


  • wednesday

    Actually, a psychotic or schizophrenic person would not be that hard to spot.(even at a KH) A sociopath, on the other hand would be hard to spot. They can be very charming and disarming and commit crimes with no remorse. I knew one, he raped at least 2 womwn and had the elders totally fooled.

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