Jury duty???

by Strawberryfieldsforever 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    .40 homey

    my dad was called to do jury duty when i was a kid, he felt he had to refuse for whatever reason, but thanks to jehovah, a few days later he fell and broke his leg ice skating and got out of it on medical grounds.
    But if your father broke his leg going to a circuit assembly part or to a Sunday meeting that he had a public talk then Satan did it, huh?

    about it being thanks to hov, i was being sarcastic!


  • Aztec

    My Mother served on a jury as an active dub and had no problem doing it. In Michigan they use drivers license records. After you renew your license you are especially prone to being called up. I've been called twice. The first time I was pregnant and sick but still managed to get selected for duty on a two week murder trial. The second time they settled out of court and I got to go back to work. I can see a dub trying to get exempted from serving on a murder trial but not on most cases. It's your civic duty.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Please dont get me wrong I was being sarcastic also. It always killed me when something wrong happenned to a witness, it was always the demons or satan who did it, but if something bad happenned for the good, lets thank jehovah.

    I remember as a kid my father and I were going to a bookstudy with a interested youth, my father had discovered that I hid me report card from him. He then said "this must be satan doing this!" I said to myself I know someone was responsible, but I didn't think it was Satan!

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