The Society's Videos

by seeitallclearlynow 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • seeitallclearlynow

    What does everybody think of the various videos produced by the Society? I have one in particular in mind that I could not stand even while I was still "in". Had a really "bad attitude" when I tried to watch it in preparation for one of the Service Meetings in that series when they were covering some of the videos. I literally could not finish watching it.

    I don't want to say which one, because I want to have a little fun fishing to see if anyone else felt the same way about this one....

    Any comments?

  • Euphemism

    Are you talking about the YPA video? That one really bugged me when it came out... it was basically saying that if you're not making friends in the congregation, it's your fault and you must be selfish, talk too much, or have B.O. Solution: make friends with "spiritual" adults who will help reinforce your brainwashing.

  • darkuncle29

    I only remember two videos, the History one with the German concentration camp stuff, and the People/Organization behind the name.

    That last one bugged me, even at the time it felt like cheesy WWII propaganda.

    Can you put up a list of videos they've made after someone gets your question right?

  • Nosferatu

    Yeah, the "Young People Ask- How can I Make Real Friends" video was absolutely horrible. Very unrealistic and the acting was shit. Worldly schools aren't really like that.

    Also, I thought that the guy was going to bang the JW in the car. From what I can remember, they didn't even kiss. What a rip-off.

    The other videos I remember were "The Organization Behind The Name" and "Purple Triangle".

  • stillajwexelder

    I have actually enjoyed most of them especially the Bible Series -- I though the animated one with animals getting into Noah's ark was condescending and I hated it -- but most of them quite good and educational.

  • Sirona

    There is also a video about the blood issue which omits to tell you that they allow blood.


  • drawcad_1

    they are all absolitely the worst videos that you could make a person sit through.

  • Nosferatu

    I though the animated one with animals getting into Noah's ark was condescending and I hated it

    I never knew they put out a video like that. But then again I've been out for quite some time and my mother hasn't "bought" many of their videos.

    I found Purple Triangle to be the most boring.

    Remember when "Org behind the name" came out and everyone was creaming their pants because it was the first home video the Society put out? Everyone was showing that damn video to their worldly relatives and aquaintances.

  • stillajwexelder

    Remember when "Org behind the name" came out and everyone was creaming their pants because it was the first home video the Society put out? Everyone was showing that damn video to their worldly relatives and aquaintances.

    I would not quite have phrased it that way but LOL -- I understand what you are saying

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi Darkuncle,

    I think I'll put up the list of the ones I have - it's probably not complete, and hopefully stillajw can complete the list if he wants to - ( I went up to the literature counter a few years ago and asked if it would be possible to order a "complete set" - he said sure, and this is what I got:

    Jehovah's Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault

    To The Ends of the Earth

    United by Divine Teaching

    Our Whole Association of Brothers

    Faithful Under Trials - JWs in the Soviet Union

    JWs - The Organization Behind the Name

    How Can I Make Real Friends?

    The New World Society in Action

    Purple Triangles

    The Bible - A Book of Fact and Prophecy, Volumes I-III (Accurate History, Reliable Prophecy; Mankind's Oldest Modern Book; Its Power in Your Life; )

    No Blood - Medicine Meets the Challenge

    Noah - He Walked with God

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