Serena Williams allegedly baptized this weekend

by neat blue dog 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • waton
    baptized at the JW pool? showing favouritism to the wealthy people over the poor ones.

    It does not look that they changed the water for her. certainly the water in her pool, oceanside looks bluer than this the green Jordan re enactment.

    This is west palm beach, not east P.B.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Better late than never...

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Watcher, I'll say the same of you when you fully wake up

  • FedUpJW

    From jw talk came this comment: "So like C----- mentioned, in recent years Serena does not appear to have been living a life as 1 of Jehovah’s people. But in fairness, she was never baptized. So we can view her in a positive way"

    Yeah, see how that would work out if she were not wealthy, likely donating a large amount of $$$$$ to WT, or some poor, younger twenty something girl who was not a celebrity. The hypocrisy of the word fairness, and the way they are drooling on their shoes over her "baptism" is nauseating.

  • Biahi

    It’s as though if someone rich and famous becomes a JW, it like ‘validating’ that they ‘must’ have “the truth” or these famous smart people wouldn’t join.

  • EmptyInside

    Maybe they are starting back to Assemblies in person now. But, since the pandemic, they had it on-line. And baptisms were done at private homes.

    So, if anyone can find out for sure , if they started going back to the assembly hall in Florida, then, maybe we will know if this is real or not.

  • StephaneLaliberte
  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Yes EmptyInside everyone's resuming assemblies and conventions effective 2023.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Everyone is resuming assemblies and conventions in 2023, even with or without masks. Dreadful.

  • Diogenesister

    Dropoffyourkeylee I agree it's partially about having a kid.

    But I'm also with Slim it's very cynical to wait until you've found a non witness husband, had your kid (out of wedlock) & your career before getting baptized when you are "safe" from disfellowshipping.

    What does the Bible say about remembering God during your youth?!!

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