It was fun, it was real, it was real fun...

by gentlesoul 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • czarofmischief

    I'm going to ask God to open your brain, gentlesoul, and strip away all of your cotton-candy delusions about Him.

    That's only because you've angered me. I don't do that for people I like.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Have a nice life, Gentlesoul!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I have this...

    As for the rest of yall...KUDOS TO YA! WELL SPOKEN!!!

    Frannie B

  • stillajwexelder


  • orangefatcat

    Gentle Soul:

    I think you need to walk a mile in our shoes before you think you are qualifed to

    re-direct our lives. You have no concept of the faith and teachings of JWs. and so how do you find yourself in a postion to tell us we are wrong or right or whatever for that matter.

    One of the other posters said it well. Many of us have been through horrific ordeals, some have be sexually abused, mentally emotionally abused , many have been beaten physcially and others have committed suicide. So I dare say you are in no postion to judge us.

    We are very intelliegent persons many of us have come from backgrounds with higher educations some have not but have attained intellect through personal study and research. We are far from being backwards in our thinking.

    You may be 66 yrs old but anyone can be that age and that does not make us experts. Age is of little concequense. We have young one who are very smart older ones who love us and we all love her. The best advise I can offer to you Gentle Soul, is be a gentle soul and search out ones that need you.



    It is unfortunate that some of us entered into the witness orgainzation by choice but many had no choices, many of us were reared as witnesses. We were brainwashed mind controlled to the extreme as young children. And you can't understand this as you have never been one of us. You cannot even conscieve the horrors that many here have endured in the name of a socalled perfect religion. You would be yourself horrified at some of the atrocities that have been done to many in the name of God.. I don't think I need to draw you a picture..

    Don't be fooled, we have travelled the road to recovery and it can be longer for some. But that is okay, it just a longer journey. But you can be damn well assured that their is aa wonderful support program to help one another. We are qualified to do that, you are no. We know the inner working of theOrganization of this religion.

    No one is invinceable, not even you. You never know when you are being brainwashed as the proscess is methodical. Let me say that again, This process is methodical on the part of the Jehovah's witnesses Governing Body.

    Unless you have walked in our shoes you are in no postion to act as our stablizer in live we have worked it out amoungst ourselves, and that is way there are thousands who come here for that very reason for healing support and love and careing. There are others who need proffessional assistance and we see no shame in that. We are all going through a healing process.

    Don't presume to judge us, its no possible for you to do that, for you are ignorant of the ways of Jehovh's witnesses. It has been an uphill battle for many of us. We have survived the WatchTower and we are the stronger for it. e have We all learned to be Victorious and Free.

    So as I said before when you walk a mile or two in my shoes then I may be prone to listen. but alas you haven't so its best you seek out people who need what you offer, we don't need your advise we have all the help we need.

    You have good intentions, I believe, but leave our issues with us and we have the ways to get the help we need.

  • willyloman
    OMG, were are in our own personal hell;

    ...where we will be 'witnessed to' double the amount of hours that we ever recorded on our timecards

    Winston: You're funny! Oh, and terrific post a little further back there... It is a little like the ER in here, isn't it?

  • GentlyFeral
    This is what a guy gets when he tries to leave with a kind and sensitive way. My words were never meant to be condesending or rude or careless in anyway

    And yet that is precisely the effect you achieve, every single time.


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